Trade Me Tip – Draft listings on New Look Trade Me
PinnedIf you start creating a listing but then decide you’d rather finish it up later, you can do that no problem! Head back to ‘Start a listing’ and you’ll have the option to continue drafting or to start again.
How do you do this on the old site?
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Lucy Trade Me staff - Community team
Hi Marilyn, this useful feature is only available on the new site.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Anyone can use My Products on the std and the new site and this allows you to go back to a draft Product at any time to complete it in multiple steps before you actually Activate it to list it. You can draft prepare multiple items and swap between them to add description, photos etc, with ease, and only list when ready. Do your edits while the product is deactivated and click Save, then Activate when ready to create a live listing.
An advantage with My Products is that you can duplicate a product then make a few edits to the new one, rather than starting from scratch every time, plus all the details needed to create the listing are on one page.
There are hundreds of other benefits too.
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It'd be worth adding a 'Draft' section so users can find their way back. What if I have multiple listings in the draft? This experience can be improved further.
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I agree with Niki's comment as above. Multiple drafts (up to 10) are available in the mobile app, so why not implement this functionality on the desktop site?
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Hi Jonathon. If you are using the Desktop site, use My Products. You can have hundreds of drafts of incomplete listings created and just have them sitting there to complete and list at your leisure as they don't expire.
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Hey thanks so much for that Gary. I have actually used My Products before but I found the auction photos would annoyingly disappear after the 1st listing ended. Maybe this has been amended? I'll give My Products another shot now anyway... Thanks again ;-)
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Yes, well worth using. I've never had photos disappear from My Products and have used it since it first came in, and before that was on their retail feed.
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I can't find 'drafts' anywhere?? Have looked at the comments and followed the instructions.
please help!
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I cant find drafts anywhere! how annoying.
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sick of losing my work!
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I created a listing this morning and saved and exited so I could continue it later. Now I cannot find it. I have gone back into create a new listing and there is no Continue option. Am I missing something???
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Hi Craig, not sure why. I don't normally list directly, but when I go to create a new listing in the standard way just like now for a test, I get this...
I'm using Edge on the desktop site.