Low ball offers can be annoying
S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Leone,
It sounds like someone who has read your Bio that has nothing better to do than hassle you here with such significant drop in their price offers. - This currently can only be stopped by adding these people to Your Blacklist though you could be doing yourself out of a genuine Buyer down the track - they're viewing your listings so they have an interest in what you have for sale. - I think the answer is to respond with Lol and leave it at that, that way you show no unanswered Q's & a sense of humour for perspective Buyers coming through your listings. - Should the same person become harassing or too much trouble the blacklist option is there for you.
TM can also remove disruptive Q's so don't hesitate to Live Chat if needed - Cheers.
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flossy63 Community SuperuserEdited
I get stupid offers too,
Usual response is.... Sorry, Reserve and Buy Now as set,
If they are very insulting wanting less than 50% or more, just blacklist them, they can then not ask again,
some don't give in, they will try until they get what they want,
last one I had a few weeks ago, wanted a $60 item for $20!!,
as these types if they do buy off you, usually become problem buyers and still want a deal like free shipping etc.
at the end of the day like everyone else we need to put food on the table too,
Some also don't realize that the make an offer thing, is only for casual Sellers not Intrade, and it is only available for those using apps,
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Leone. You have to remember different types of people have different ways of trying to get a deal which to them is normal. Some feel totally embarrassed to negotiate at all, others think offering 10% of asking price is a starting point. Sometimes its just the type of person they are, or the way they were bought up. Also different ethnicities operate in different ways. Often western culture works on only negotiating a small amount off an asking price, whereas often middle eastern and asian cultures negotiate by putting in stupidly low offers (that they know will not be accepted), but use it as a measure to draw the seller to come out with their lowest lowest price they will take. Different modus operandi, but maybe ending up in the same place eventually
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Callum Community Superuser
I never go as far as blacklisting them. As Donal said this is just a cultural practice for some people. I have a cut 'n' paste response I use."Hi there! The prices of my items are as stated. If I wanted less, that is where I would set the price. However, if you can find this identical item cheaper from another New Zealand based seller I will be happy to beat their price. Thanks, Callum"
Or. If you are the passive aggressive type, and the question asker has listings themselves, a fun game can be turning it around and asking them the same thing on their listings.
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I had one come through that was just nuts - it was even below where the currernt bidding was, and there had been bids for sometime, I thought to myself when I saw it "WHAT are you high?" But then I checked the time that the question was asked, and it 3:30 am on Saturday morning, then I thought well in fairness, he might be high.
That's a thing I notice with some of these low ball offers, they are at weird times of the night, so I think some of these offers are from people who are high or drunk, and have no clue what they are doing, that is just part of the fun of online selling!
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Sometimes I receive insultingly low offers. At times I have been sorely tempted to reply with “Sure, if you’re happy to sell me your [listed item] for $ [discount their item by whatever discount they have applied to mine]”
But I don’t really want to end up with something I don’t need so instead I just say “Thanks for your interest but I am happy to leaving the pricing as is for the time being :)”