I only have problems on personal account, Intrade account is fine, hence I contacted trade Me earlier to see if issue with other account,
No, Australian buyers need to ask first, if you only have NZ options on Auction, If it is to be arranged they need to ask first before placing a bid or using Buy Now, as a lot of sellers will not ship out of New Zealand, If sellers use Book a courier you cannot use it to send overseas etc.
Julie Just use the desktop version on your phone browser as more functional than the apps, I do not use the apps, just desktop on computer and devices, as others have always said too many issues with the apps, and they do not have all the functions, Stick with what you know, the desktop version,
Personally, some buyers need to respect sellers choices, they can ask, but most of us will say no, if it is a Carrier we do not use, when shopping online at retail stores etc. you have no choice but to go with that retailers carrier etc. and it is the same here for Intrade sellers, we do have options / flexibility to a point if asked, as have plain Courier bags so can be used for whatever courier as booking is online, so no need to run around as Erin puts it, But will not be running around to drop parcels at depots etc. it is an extra cost / time to run vehicles etc. which buyers do not tak...
Sherryl This is a public Community board, we are just members like you, you need to contact Trade Me as above with link provided by member S, You may want to remove your personal details (full name and Trade Me name), As above this is why you need to keep books, Excel sheets etc. record all sales and all expenditures, (incoming and outgoing money) to work out your profit so it is ready to file your return when it is required, and week by week checking your sales match your sales summary, This is why I only sell via Trade Me only, no outside sales, so it matches, keeps it simple and easy, n...
Callum Re bid bud: even though we can no longer bid through it on some auctions, I did ask a close relative whom I associate with through a charity organization we are involved with, if Andrew will just leave it live & live on, so we can still use the blacklist feature, watchlist, feedback page etc. which he thinks he possibly may, so lets hope?, as the feedback page on new format is horrendous to even look at, I absolutely hate it, I have book marked the old format so copy and paste member number into it, bingo, otherwise just go to bidbud,
Looking at account it is years old, no feedback, they may be a Facebook seller whom users the Trade Me book a Courier, and rarely buys on here and does not sell on here, as not everyone leaves feedback, and some members never do, I did see member name early this morning after getting home from work, and looked,
Yes, about 6 weeks ago, I put fragile kitchen stuff on FB Market place, Clearly stating cash on Pick up only, within half an hour I had 2 different ones with similar stories on different items, I Immediately blocked them, as knew it was a scam, Yes, went back to my local pages only & removed my stuff from Market Place,
Abhay You will just then need to set your closing times in Australian time to coincide with actual NZ Time, e.g. if time difference is 2 hours and you want to close at 8pm, just set for 6pm, which is 8pm in NZ, as you can only use Trade Me in some locations overseas, and with approval from Trade Me anywhere outside Australia and NZ, to stop your account being locked, it is a user problem not an IT problem,
Lydia It sounds like your watcher has removed item from their watchlist, so there is no one left watching to offer too, as you can get this often nearer closing times the watchers drop, as watchers no longer interested and remove items from their watchlist after getting reminders etc.