


Recent activity from Simon
  • Simon commented,

    A lesson I learned long ago, was dont try and compete with the All Blacks, dont set your auctions to close during an All Blacks game, but otherwise evenings between 6:45 - 7:30 are best.

  • Simon commented,

    Yeah this is messy. Here is a link to the help section Sadly you are in a bit of a situation where you have no good options. If it were me. I would take down the relisting and pay the withdraw fee, ask for the $2.30, but if it doesn't turn up in a day or 2, just send the parcel anyway, add to him to the blacklist, cut my loses and wash my hands of the whole situation.

  • Simon commented,

    Your seller… Jeezus! Arguing that a part of a 9ct gold earring, may be plated? How would that even work? That’s so dumb. I don’t quite understand what the black metal ball is either? To say that there is nothing stopping you, or anyone else from wearing it, is a bit irresponsible on their part, one of the reasons, you buy something that is Sterling Silver or 9ct gold, or medical grade stainless steel or whatever, is that you know you are not allergic to it, if there is a strange foreign metal in there, that could cause a skin reaction. Good on you for reaching out to the seller again, but...

  • Simon commented,

    This sounds so fishy, so very, very fishy, like snapper fillets left out on the bench in the kitchen for a week in full sunlight kinda fishy. For a start getting a negative after 2 hours of non payment, is completely unreasonable, and that is not acceptable and unfair, you should also talk to chat about getting it removed, that is ridiculous.

  • Simon commented,

    Hi there Callum Sorry I made a complete ass of myself yesterday! I got up read the OP, said what I said, then re-read the OP and realized that everything I had asked was covered! This is what happens when I jump into forums before breakfast! I did delete it straight away to try and hide my stupidity, by i guess you all got an email notification... You guys got this one covered, everything you have been told so far Linda is really solid, just follow the process through, and the big thing is to stay classy! Its so easy to get frustrated with the process, and say something regrettable, just po...

  • Simon commented,

    Hi there Mate - Just another member like yourself. Indeed, you buyer is being a dick. If they couldn't collect for 3 weeks, this is something they should have raised with you in the Q&A, and asked if it was ok for them to bid. Not dictate to you after the auction closed. Yes, your auction should have stated pick-up in 7 days, Trade Me says that trades should be completed in 7 days, but it doesn't hurt to put it into all of your auctions as well, it only takes 3 seconds to type out. But for sure, you did have a reasonable expectation that it would just happen that way. 3 weeks for pick-up is...

  • Simon commented,

    You are welcome Hayley. Personally I do wish there was a simple "Report this Question" feature, not just for your situation, which is common enough, but also to report trolling and low balling, some buyers treat the Q&A like a facebook forum as well, to share the opinions, rather than ask legit questions, I think this is something that should be looked at.

  • Simon commented,

    Hi there Kevin - sorry to see this buddy, this is an unspoken problem that is rife through the second hand trade, people pay money, promise to pick-up and you never hear from them again, poof! Gone! Like a fart in the breeze. Not a lot you can do. I am sure some of these people die, go to jail or end up in hospital, but the thing is, i never find out, because I never see or hear from them again to ask... You can email them and ask for an account to return the money too, but if they never respond what happens next? My understanding is that sellers are not expected to "hold " items forever pa...

  • Simon commented,

    If they are putting in phone numbers for example you can do a community watch. Which is the little sherifs badge at the bottom of every listing. Just follow the prompts, select Q&A feature being abused. Word it something like this = "Hi there! I am reporting my own listing, Someone is sharing personal details in the Q&A, can this be removed please, also I have had this problem before, can you also email them, to ask them to not abuse the Q&A like this. Thank you for your trouble." T-Me staff will remove it, they just need a couple of days to get it done.

  • Simon commented,

    Antiques and Collectables is the most problematic category on T-Me, its to vague, but its also set up as a bit of a dumping ground, like Callum points out with flags, the same problem exists with Taxidermy for example. Some people have funny ideas about what an "antique" is, so stuff ends up in this category, that shouldn't. I guess to answer your question - No Trade Me staff don't actively monitor or confirm items loaded onto the page, if there is a problematic item listed, they are completly reliant on someone hitting the "community watch" button.