Bad feedback
I sold an item and was paid. I posted the parcel. Before the buyer received parcel they posted very bad feedback. I have emailed them and asked them to remove feedback but they have not replied. What should I do?
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Norman, there is a Help page with a specific link so you can report the feedback the buyer has placed to Trademe.
Disputing feedback from the buyer – Help - Trade Me
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I put an offer in on a car and they came back with a counter offer . I accepted the offer . But now they going back on they’re word I have all attached information but will need an email address to send it to I can’t find out how to attach on comments
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Not sure who you are trying to email about this Mike. If you are trying to email Trademe, you won't be able to, but you can use the Contact us link at the bottom of any page if you want to report a members behaviour.. This community area is for members to help each other with problems and queries, but it's not allowed to post other member details. Although your situation may be a legal contract to purchase, it is a civil matter so you would need to go through the Disputes Tribunal if low value, or through the courts for higher value items. I know it can be frustrating when this happens but if no money has changed place and it's simply the seller has changed their mind, there is probably not a lot you can do except move on and look again.
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Thanks for your advice regards Michael Coley
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I placed negative Feedback on a buyer as after 16 days, still not received payment. I have now received payment and wish to remove or edit the FB. I am unable to do this as there is no option for this for some strange reason. How do I remove the FB I placed as I feel quite bad about it. TIA
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Trade Me staff - Community team
Kia ora Jenn, Sorry for the trouble – we’re upgrading some background systems that power Trade Me. While we do this, some features are unavailable for a small number of listings in certain categories.
You can edit your feedback from the other trader's profile page. Just enter their username in our profile search, and head to the 'Auction feedback' section of their profile. Scroll down to find you feedback and you'll see the option to edit or delete it. Keep in mind that you can only edit feedback once, and it can't be replaced once deleted.1