CAnt place Feedback
I just received 2 unfair feedback form a seller - I cannot place feedback, have tried all day - just get the 500 mistake page, seems VERY odd - I also noted she has over 16K trades yet only 4 bad feedbacks?? - seems odd then I find I cannot place a feedback on her - any one had this problem also or have any idea whats up? Shes a shop..
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Yes, strange you can't place feedback. I've never not been able to place feedback. I would probably try on a different device/browser/app and see if that makes a difference. Is there more info on the 500 error? I seem to get a lot of Server error 500 messages, but usually a refresh of the page fixes it.
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Hi cheers I only have a laptop unless I try my friends phone? Will refresh page and see if that helps. thx Jen
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Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
If you are on the new site, you may still be able to access the old site here... I have very few problems on the old site but plenty on the new unfortunately.
Where there is a button to click to place feedback.
to give you the box..
rather than the new site won page..
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cheers I place feedback on the old page - tried it again several times since you answer and logged into hubby laptop also to no avail - VERY weird and I think a tad suspicious too, I have NEVER in over 12K trades had this trouble and not been able to place a feedback. Have sent Trademe a few emails waiting to hear back - that will take prob 3 days.....
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L Community Superuser
I had a buyer who emailed to let me know they were unable to place feedback via their phone or laptop. So not a one off. Something wrong in the system somewhere.
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I have Banana 500 error and cannot find an answer from these posts- how do you contact trademe to sort it out is another problem-the help boxes are too restrictive to enter the problem into. Appreciate an answer-thanks Jenny
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Trade Me staff - Community team
Hi Jenny, you can get in touch with Customer Experience on Live Chat from here.