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Recent activity from L
  • L commented,

    Yes, precisely Callum. One generic Oops and no follow up doesn't help anyone. And there seem to be a lot of people who aren't aware they are not talking to trade me staff on this message board. So while they get some great advice if it's broke we can't fix it here!

  • L commented,

    I have absolutely no idea why the problems are still ongoing. Many of us got on the message board here, contacted TM in many different ways. Some wrote to them. Some go to the tell us what you think link at the bottom of the TM pages. But it still goes on. And yes as Callum says above it has taken the fun out of trading. :(

  • L commented,

    Hi Phil. There have been many, many posts about the problems people are having with the new look on TM. Most frustrating. I found one from a few months ago, see below. Apparently there were a lot that were removed by trade me to er, keep the message board tidy so as not to double up on the same issue.... https://help.trademe.co.nz/hc/en-us/community/posts/10145712706575-Where-has-the-Calculate-Shipping-button-gone?page=1#community_comment_10145990564751

  • L commented,

    Hi Raewyn, Check out the post below on the same issue. If you put watchers in the search box on this community page you will find some more in the last few months. So the watchers might be wanting to watch it again, or they just aren't and don't know why it's on their watchlist again. Weird. https://help.trademe.co.nz/hc/en-us/community/posts/9980067010447-Watchers-views-show-instantly-on-my-relists

  • L commented,

    Hi Kim. If the seller has found the item is faulty and it hasn't been sent yet I would count that as a lucky save. Have you paid?? If you haven't paid, very easy to say ok, a bit disappointed but thanks for letting me know and just move on. If you have paid ask for a refund quickly. It doesn't make much difference if they are selling for someone else, happens sometimes :) Have a good Christmas.

  • L commented,

    Why is it taking so, so long to fix these issues. This success fee one has been going on for weeks. Yet the my products issue with the ampersand was looked at and done within a day. No wonder people keep asking the same questions on the message board over and over again for missing functionality.

  • L commented,

    Hi Riki. If you go to the help pages, selling and fees in the menu bar at the top of this page you will find what you need. The fees for different types of property listings are there. Have a good look around in the help pages under selling and you can get a better idea of setting up your listing. https://help.trademe.co.nz/hc/en-us/articles/360032007872-Property-fees  

  • L commented,

    Hi Samantha. Just go to the post, make sure you are logged in and hit the big blue Unfollow box. If you are having trouble finding them track it back from your inbox to find and unfollow them. :)

  • L commented,

    It was also more precise to be able to list all your options as your wished. That was the beauty of the option, I'll add my own shipping costs now. I did get 2 north and 2 south island options on a new look listing so one general and one rural. I do however avoid new look listings if I can, by any means possible. There was a recent post where a seller was told off for not putting in the rural option. Perhaps it was because there wasn't a place to put it? Because it seems we are seeing different options? What the?

  • L commented,

    Yes. We found if the auction was created under the new look parameters and was one of the ones that went out of date, as well as the other oddities, the quick relist option would not work. It just does not relist with the rest of them. They broke it. And please don't tell me to use my products. I just don't have the time to slog through that. My products just does not suit everyone.