Searching lost items
Hello, Im wanting to find a Watchlist item I lost a while back to ask to relist but it has dropped off the " items I lost " page, I think there are only 3 pages. Is there any way to search lost items from a few months back please ? I dont have the traders name, only the item description.
Callum Community Superuser
HI Marcel. No, after 45 days items drop off your Items I lost page and you can no longer request a relist.
You might get to the item if google happened to cache a copy of the listing. Have you tried a google search on the description? If you have the title that would be even better.
Or if you found this item originally by an email search notification you might be able to find that in your emails and get to the expired auction that way.
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flossy63 Community SuperuserThe item is past the 45 days, as it has dropped off his lost items page,so it means has also dropped off the expired items, so searching expired listings will not find it,as you can only search expired listings that are up to 45days old, then they drop off,only way to find an auction older that that is having the listing number to search.1
S Community Superuser
Oh! Thank you for letting me know - I thought the expired through the Refine was 60 days! - I will remove incorrect info' for others coming through this thread. - Much appreciated 😊
Apologies Marcel,