Buyer wanting refund
Ps: I never had original charger as they are sold separately, but always used generic usb c charger with no issues
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Callum Community Superuser
HI damian. That would all come down to how the item was pictured and described on the listing itself.
If there was no charger pictured or mentioned then they can't really demand one. Although it would have been sensible to point out that no charger was included in your description.
One way to resolve these issues is to offer the buyer a full refund including their postage if they want to return the item. Then you relist it and make it clear there is no charger, or add the generic one you offered the original buyer. This can often make these kind of issues disappear when the buyer realises they actually got a good deal and would prefer to keep the item rather than return it. You also have your offer to fall back on if it comes down to a Dispute or feedback.
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Yeah my bad for not saying charger not included. He's stating he would never have bought item otherwise. However he did get everything described on listing and in virtually brand new condition.
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flossy63 Community Superuser
If there was no charger in photo buyer should have asked?, not just presumed,
Hence I have a line on my auctions, "Just what is in Photos", so if something is not in photos it is therefore it is not included,
as too many presume it would come with other parts / stuff etc. and then complain,
but clear as day auction states "just what is in photos", if you don't see it you don't get it, and they never ask questions on auctions to clarify either,
buyer did not see a charger so should have asked the obvious question before buying to clarify, no just presume, he presumed and was wrong, not everything automatically comes with chargers these days, they are often extra's now,
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I belive if no charger was pictureed or mentioned, then they only get what is advertised, they are effectively asking for an item you are not selling, or looked at in another way , asking for an effective huge discount for you to supply charger. This is the buyers issue, not the sellers, although as Callum suggested, would have been a good idea to mention it was not included. I would tell them that if they dont want to go ahead with the trade, they can return to you at their cost, and you will refund the "purchse price", but not outward shipping. I think Callums suggestion of refunding shipping is too kind for an issue that is not yours