Shipping & delivery information
We'll show you all the different shipping and pick-up options that can be available to buyers on Trade Me.
All you need to know about the shipping and delivery options on a listing you're interested in.
Looking for shipping options for sellers? Check out Shipping & pick-up options.
Having problems with an item you've bought? We can help.
Destination & description
When you place a bid or Buy Now, you'll be asked to choose your destination and preferred service – if multiple are available.
If your delivery destination isn't available, ask the seller. Mention your delivery area, but not your actual address – anyone can see the Q&A.
Delivery timeframes
Most professional sellers show estimated delivery times.
- Timeframes are in business days – and include picking and packing.
- These are an estimate only.
Free shipping
- Woohoo! It's free to ship this item nationwide.
- For destinations within Australia, ask the seller if they can ship to you.
I'm rural – can I use 'Free shipping'?
Yes! Sellers can only show 'Free shipping' if it's available nationwide.
To be arranged
This means the seller hasn't provided any shipping prices.
- To get a shipping price, ask the seller. Mention your delivery area, but not your actual address – anyone can see the Q&A.
- Shipping options can't be added post-purchase. If you want to pay with Ping or Afterpay, the seller needs to add this before you bid or buy.
How do I pay for shipping?
Easy! Your selected shipping option is automatically added to your purchase amount.
For 'To be arranged' – you'll need to make payment directly to the seller.
Combined shipping
Shipping more than one item
- No extra charge: If you buy more than one item from the same listing, you'll pay one shipping fee.
Price per item: Shipping is charged per item.
Combine with another item you've paid shipping on
- Price to add this item to an existing order from the same seller.
- You must have already bought and paid for shipping on another item from the same seller.
Pick-up options
Pick-up available
- Choose this option if you prefer to collect the item yourself.
- The location shown is approximate. If this is important to you, ask the seller for more info in the Q&A.
Seller does not allow pick-ups
This item can't be collected in person – you'll need to choose a shipping option.
Buyer must pick up
- The seller isn't able to ship this item – it must be picked up.