Lee & Christine - you haven't said if the seller is a drop shipper or not, if you go back the auction you will see the noted information and shipping terms. its never ok to be abused any anyone, but there seems to be a bit of information missing - did you email them trying to get a refund? if the action says nothing about coming from another country etc then 100% report it but if it does say its coming from China and you missed that when buying the watch then the seller has listed correctly
does it say anywhere on the auction that its being shipped from China or the shipping options a couple of weeks and not days?
We had this once a couple of years ago, we only sell but brought something and the address was this random address in the south island that had no house on google maps, we have never been located in the south island and all they were able to tell us was change our password and were not able to explain why we had this random address listed on our account.
Helen, that is not your problem to chase a refund its the sellers problem, they need to refund you and then they need to take it up with post haste - and you should remove your address details as this is just a community forum :)
if you put your question into google you will get a few answers (depending on what type of phone) then just click the one that you have and it will help you upload photos
if you are making a listing, just add photos and it will take you to your photos in your phone
or its been delivered to the incorrect address (which is what I was thinking may have happened) ?
does the tracking shows it was delivered to your address? below are NZpost dont cover and 1 is if its been delivered What am I not covered for? There are a number of circumstances where we are not liable to pay compensation for loss of, or damage to, certain items. These include but are not restricted to: Prohibited items, see our list (PDF - 1.6MB) Dangerous goods Fragile, perishable or valuable items (without a written agreement). Inadequately packaged or incorrectly addressed items e.g. glass or bottles sent in Trackpaks Illegal items Items where no proof of sending can be provided Item...
that's strange as flossy is right once delivered that's it NZpost have done what they were paid to do which ends the contract effectively.
sorry just to confirm when you tracked the package it shows are delivered? you can call them and confirm where it was delivered have you seen proof of NZpost saying they will refund either you or them? or is that just what the seller is telling you?