How to Manually Send an FPO?
AnsweredKia ora koutou,
Today I had an auction sell, and in addition to fulfilling the auction, I would like to send out an FPO for the multi quantity listing.
Normally, I do this by clicking send under the auction I want to send the FPO for:
For some reason, when I try to do this now, it says "N/A" instead - how can I get around this?
S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Shane,
In the Desktop site go into your sold item - you have an option - If the sale falls through - to 'make a fixed price offer to other bidders or relist the item' - This is only available through the Desktop site. - I realise you are happy with the sale, this is a posable workaround for you in the interim if it's possible you had bidders at the point your Listing sold? - Congratulations on your Sale - Cheers 😊
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Shane, the reason you can't do it through My Products is that My Products works on the stock you have. As you only had 1 when it sold, MP quite rightly thought you only had 1 available to sell and it just sold, so no more available to FPO. You could add more stock to the product through MP and then you should be able to FPO, or just do it through the desktop site sold page which is not stock controlled.
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I have the same issue. There is no option on the desktop site anymore to send a fpo on sold items?