The new auction close email and buyer instructions is a dogs breakfast!
The new auction close email that TradeMe is sending out has no formatting, line breaks and is basically broken and unreadable. This is not a upgrade, this is a regression/bug failure.
Also, it used to make the reply-to or the email address link spawn an email to the seller that spawned with a subject line showing the auction and the reference number and that is not happening either.
This is a complete failure and you should revert to the old emails until you get his fixed.
Look at this email you sent to me and the buyer instructions.
It has no line breaks and it it's smashing the text together making it almost impossible to read!!!
Let's be honest - the whole site is a dogs breakfast compared to how it used to be! There are more bugs abounding than in a petri dish at the infectious diseases lab.
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Callum Community Superuser
Hi Sean. I could be wrong but I think that payment instructions email might only be what we see as the seller. So what the buyer sees is different. Maybe you could confirm that with the buyer?
Others have mentioned about the reply or clicking via your email not populating the title field now. I believe you can get a workaround in the meantime by clicking their email address from within your solds page.