With falling sales my free listing allowance has dropped from around 1600 to about 300 and to be honest I'm starting to just not care. I'm definitely not going to pay to list more as it doesn't seem to make a difference with sales at the moment (I had one six week period last year where I earned a much higher listing allowance then normal and saw no increase in sales for it) and fees are already high enough. If the allowance goes lower I'm just going to list less.
Just had a break through. I tried loading the app on my old phone (a Huawei) and was able to access the the list of notifications and turn off what I didn't want. For some reason my new phone (a Samsung) won't allow me to access that list. Hopefully the change will carry across to the new phone as well as its the same account.
Thanks Callum. I have pretty much everything turned off in e-mail notifications so sadly that isn't the trick.
Yup, that's the one. Do you have the url for the notifications section? I'm on new format and its no longer linked in my trademe and even google doesn't bring it up.
I can't remember the exact wording or find the reddit thread discussing it but trademe sent a push notification last week stating that something like 15% of people had used trademe property to check out their coworkers houses. Yay, that creepy guy at work now knows the internal layout of your house... I'm on 191.0 too but settings > notifications is just 'Receiving 22 out of 22 push notifications - configure push notification type' but the only option is to toggle allow notifications on or off. I used to be able to select the notifications I wanted from a list.
How do you select the Push notifications you want to receive via the app these days? I used to be able to access a section that let me select which notifications I wanted to receive but now the only option seems to be receiving all notifications or none. Or am I missing something?I want notifications relevant to buying and selling but not messages suggesting I use trademe to stalk coworkers...
When I sell an Item I put feedback on buyer as soon as there part in the trade is done, but when I buy an Item I pay for it straight away and complete my part in the transaction the seller seems to wait for me to post feedback first. This seems wrong to me like sellers are keeping their options open just in case they get negative feedback. To me If a person Buys and pays for item, their side of the transaction is complete and they should receive feedback straight away even before item is sent. I get annoyed that my part is not acknowledged until I like there Item. Some sellers wait until ...
I just sell the occasional book of mine after reading it so not on a major scale but some advice I have... I've been using NZ post. I mostly sell novels and was using the previous prepay S ticket. Its dimensions allowed for up to two average size novels. I'd state in my postage that I could send up to two books for that postage which often led to customers buying multiples, since it was easy to see they could combine. Its harder to figure out the dimensions now the labels are volumetric but I think if you use the rate finder and pay online the dimensions still favour multiple books. Otherwi...
If you blacklist a user are they still able to request relists/FPOs? The blacklist FAQ only mentions bidding and questions.
S, True but I think people are more likely to ignore the generic request but a direct e-mail with a person on the other end is more likely to get a response. I've only had one success fee refund request acknowledged in the last several hundred requests.