


Recent activity from zane
  • zane commented,

    callum you dont need to switch off all the email settings becuase there are no email settings that stop the begging ads. all want to do is stop the ads asking me to upgrade, nothing else. no option for that. if the answer is just turn off all the email options or turn off options can also contian useful emails then then thats just a sly way to make sure users wont turn off begging emails becuase if they do they lose the good emails too.  

  • zane commented,

    callum , there is no option in emial options to stop  the ads  begging you to upgrade and give them more  money. begging is a new low for trademe.

  • zane created a post,

    Its fairly obvios trademe team pull down and hide anything they consider negative since the buyout and new owners, so dont expect this post to to last long. Im sick of getting emails begging me to buy upgrades for my listings, and im sick of getting all those emails spamming me to buy stuff,  i dont need or want junkmail from trademe , dont want it. if there is a way to stop it they have hidden it so well iv never found it.