International sellers
AnsweredIt used to be that sellers had to be in NZ or Australia. But when did that change? I came across an In Trade and AV seller based in China who has been trading on here since June 2020. They have had more than 12,283 trades in those two years. So how many other countries are allowed now?
Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
Lots of countries. There are listings from France, UK, USA, China, etc etc. Just have a look at the country selector when searching.
There is no Australia in the list, so it is impossible to actually filter for Australia, which is a pain as I regularly buy presents for rellies there, but have to buy on Ebay instead. Have mentioned this to TM several times.
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Thanks Gary. I've never even noticed the country selector! Now I see it -International right at the bottom. I don't look at location when searching because it doesn't make any difference to me where in NZ the seller lives. But now I might start browsing in International. Might get a good price on 24 plastic spoons from Lithuania...
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
This should capture most as at just a few mins ago. Of course it doesn't differentiate the sellers that are in NZ but the goods are in China.
Trademe listings 21.8.22 NZ 4886972 78.261% USA 676481 10.833% Uk 428469 6.862% China 202368 3.241% Hong Kong 22177 0.355% France 15000 0.240% Germany 4739 0.076% Taiwan 4676 0.075% Singapore 2072 0.033% Spain 1136 0.018% Japan 262 0.004% Lithuania 20 0.000% Vietnam 2 0.000% Canada 1 0.000% India 0 0.000% Ireland 0 0.000% Israel 0 0.000% Poland 0 0.000% Other, strangely includes some NZ sellers. 117 0.002% 6244492 1 -
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Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
The price is always displayed to the buyer as NZD, not USD. Hope that helps. Trademe only displays NZD.
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Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
Thought I'd do a comparison of those figures above. They don't include Job, Motors, Real estate.
Trademe listings 4.3.24 % of total NZ 4291312 . 76.252% USA 501639 8.914% Uk 194974 3.464% China 298924 5.312% Hong Kong 88700 1.576% France 17722 0.315% Germany 5305 0.094% Taiwan 4720 0.084% Singapore 690 0.012% Spain 5618 0.100% Japan 311 0.006% Lithuania 20 0.000% Vietnam 0 0.000% Canada 0 0.000% India 0 0.000% Ireland 0 0.000% Israel 0 0.000% Poland 0 0.000% Australia 217876 3.871% 5627811 I've added in Australia as can isolate that through the categories page, although Australia is not selectable as an option on the new site, nor do Australian listings appear when you choose International. It seems amazing that Australia has the 3rd highest number of listings of all the internationals, yet it's not possible to choose them in the location filter but you can choose Poland that has none. Go figure.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Still no ability to search for an item in Australia when trying to buy for friends and rellies there. Just did a search for something that shows 9 results site wide, choose the location filter and it says 4 are in NZ but none are international, so the mystery 5 are actually in Australia, but it's not possible to find them unless you search without a location filter and look for the ones that show Other as their location. Easy to pick in this instance as only 9 results global.
Another search is a bit trickier as there are 983 results but the location dropdown shows 1019, so no doubt the extra 36 listings are Australia, but other than scrolling through 18 pages looking for any that have Other as their location as opposed to International or NZ, there is no way to isolate Australian listings to buy.