Understanding fixed price offer
Good morning.! Hi there.! I'm just querying about fixed price offers. I'm still unsure how they work exactly.? In relation to trademe credit fee you lose when selling your item or items Specifically clothing product items or items.? I just would like to know what success fee I'd incur/be charged by trademe is all.?
Can someone please clarify for me to help me understand. Would be appreciated.! Thank you.!
God Bless.
S Community SuperuserEdited
Kia Ora Duncan,
The success fee charged on a fixed price offer is worked out the same as the fee to that charged if the item had sold prior to closing, depending on the value the fixed price offer is made at - there is no extra charge unless the Fixed price offer is an increased value - if the fixed price offer was made lower than the start price the fee charged would be less - a fixed price offer is really just a second chance for the Seller to make a sale & the Buyer to grab the sale if they had missed bidding before it closed - Cheers.
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