Beer, wine & spirits policy

Your guide to selling alcohol on Trade Me.

Our policy for selling beer, wine & spirits on Trade Me.


Can I sell beer, wine & spirits?

  • Only in-trade sellers who hold a licence, and are pre-approved by Trade Me, can list and sell alcohol.
  • You'll need to meet our eligibility criteria, and apply to become an approved seller.



Marketplace / Home & living / Beer, wine & spirits / Beer
Marketplace / Home & living / Beer, wine & spirits / RTD
Marketplace / Home & living / Beer, wine & spirits / Spirits
Marketplace / Home & living / Beer, wine & spirits / Wine

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Apply for approval

Onboarding is at our sole discretion.

Eligibility criteria

  • Must be marked as 'in trade' – learn how to do this.
  • Must hold a current appropriate off-licence certificate.*
  • Must have prior experience selling liquor online responsibly.


If you meet the criteria above

  1. Apply online.
  2. Our Trust & Safety team will review your application.
  3. We'll let you know the outcome via email.


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Rules for approved sellers

Approved sellers must, at all times

  • Include their shipping policy on all alcoholic beverage listings.
  • Comply with the Alcohol Advertising and Promotion Code External link icon and all relevant New Zealand laws.
  • Upload (or provide a link to) a clear image of their off-licence External link icon on each listing.
  • Enter details of their name (as licence holder), licence number and expiry date of the licence within each listing.
  • List in the correct 'Beer, wine & spirits' category.


Listing restrictions

  • Buy Now only.
  • Payment via Ping only.
  • Afterpay is not allowed.


If a seller breaches our alcoholic beverages policy at any time, their listings will be removed and risk suspension from Trade Me.

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*If the seller has made an application to renew a licence before the end of the licence’s currency, the seller may continue to sell alcohol if Trade Me receives proof of the application and is satisfied that the licence remains in force. Sellers must immediately notify Trade Me of the outcome of a licensing authority’s decision whether or not to renew the seller’s licence.


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