Learn about the item and the seller

Find out how to gather information to make an informed decision about your purchase.

Light_bulb.svg Find out how to gather information to make an informed decision about your purchase.

Get more advice about how to buy with confidence in our buying guide link-external-16.svg.

Ask questions about the item

Use Questions & Answers on Marketplace and Motors listings to ask the seller about an item.

  • Sellers can answer questions up until a listing closes.
  • You’ll get a notification when a seller answers your question.
  • After a seller answers your question, everyone can see it on the listing.

To keep everyone safe from scams, no one can include contact information in questions and answers.

The seller hasn't replied to your question 

Sellers do not have to answer all questions, but it is in their best interest to provide as much information about their item as possible.

Remove a question 

You can remove a question you asked on a listing. To remove a question: 

  1. Go to the listing you asked the question on. 
  2. Scroll down to the Questions & Answers section.
  3. Select the red bin icon under your question. 
  4. Confirm that you want to remove your question. 


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In-person viewings for general items

We don’t allow in-person viewings for general items. Instead, use the questions and answers section to:

  • ask the seller to post more photos or details about the item so you can make a decision about your purchase
  • ask the seller if they are willing to let you view the item after you win the auction to make a final decision about the purchase.


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In-person viewings for vehicles, animals, heavy machinery or property

To email the seller about viewing for a vehicle, animal, heavy machinery or property:

  1. Go to the listing.
  2. Select Email enquiry, Email the dealer or Email the seller.
  3. Enter your message.
  4. Select Send.

We send your message and email address to the seller and they can reply to you directly.

Some listings may only provide the seller’s phone number.


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Book a pre-purchase inspection

A pre-purchase inspection is an independent inspection of the condition and safety of the vehicle. 

Discuss and organise a pre-purchase vehicle inspection with the seller by sending them an email or calling them. 

If they’re happy for you to complete the inspection, make sure to book it through a reputable company like My Auto Shop link-external-16.svg.

Learn more about if you should get a pre-purchase inspection link-external-16.svg

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Learn more about the seller

Check out more information about the seller before deciding to make your purchase. 

Review their feedback

Every member on Trade Me has a feedback rating. The higher a seller's rating, the more members they've successfully traded with.

Check if they have an authenticated account

Members with an authenticated account have one or more red stars next to their username and feedback rating. An authenticated account is a good sign the seller is trustworthy. 

Look at their other listings

To view other listings from the same seller:

  1. Go to the listing.
  2. Scroll down to the 'About the seller' section. 
  3. Select View seller's other listings.


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