
We'll show you how to add, remove and access recently viewed items on your Watchlist.

Holding_binoculars.png Keep an eye on listings you’re interested in, all in one place.


Adding to your Watchlist

When you bid on an auction, it's automatically added to your Watchlist.

Watchlisted listings that close will move into your Lost items. If the listing is relisted, the new listing is automatically added to your Watchlist. 

From search results

Select Binoculars plus icon on the item from your search results.

From the listing

SelectAdd to Watchlist buttonon the listing page.

From search results

Drag the listing to the left in the search results.

From the listing

Tap Binoculars plus icon iOS in the top-right corner of the listing page. 

From search results

Drag the listing to the left in the search results.

From the listing

TapBinoculars plus Android from the listing page.

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Removing from your Watchlist 

If you’re currently bidding on an item, it can’t be removed from your Watchlist.

From your Watchlist

1. Go to your Watchlist from My Trade Me.
2. Select Edit button and select the items you want to delete.
3. Select Delete button


From the listing

Select Remove from Watchlist button

From your Watchlist

1. Tap Watchlist binoculars.
2. Tap Select, then select the listings you'd like to remove.
3. Select Bin icon


From the listing

Select the Watchlist icon Binoculars minus button in the top right corner of the listing.

From your Watchlist

1. Tap Watchlist binoculars.
2. Tap Select, then select the listings you'd like to remove.
3. Select Bin icon


From the listing

Select the Watchlist icon Binoculars minus button on the right of the listing title.

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Recently viewed items

If you’ve recently viewed a listing, and want to add it to your Watchlist – you can access your last 500 viewed listings, from your Recently viewed page.

Top Return_to_top.svg


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