Thanks Gary your info is much appreciated :)
If you transfer listings from Tradevine to Trade Me My Products what is the maximum time an item can be on my products without deleting if it isn't ticked to go live (actively list). Is it a safe place to keep all of your auctions and won't delete anything? Looking to move from Tradevine to My Products any advice welcome. Thank you :)
It's really over, after more than 12 successful years Trade Me generates no sales most weeks now. Excellent stock and prices. Really sad. Does anyone have any idea's on where or how to get rid of bulk stock (new) and also (used items)?
I've never heard of BidBud. If you list on it instead of Trade Me are your auctions still on Trade Me? (In trade seller - thou hardly any sales now, it's gone south on Trade Me sadly). I just looked at it, it has a few on my listings on it somehow but most are not on there. Any guidance much appreciated, really don't know how best to go forward after 12 years, it's not viable now but still have to clear stock.
Sales are almost non existent, it's not the quality or the prices both are excellent. Thinking the same as Shane after 12 years what to do with all the stock.