
Recent activity from AJ
  • AJ commented,

    Why does the buyer not want to pay for postage? Do they expect you to send it for free?

  • AJ commented,

    Sellers can put in a suburb on their listing to help, but really why dont you ask a location if you're wanting to pick up?

  • AJ commented,

    The email is from trademe to inform you that another comment has been made so that you can kept updated with the conversation. If you dont want to see them, just unfollow the post. Of course that will mean you will no longer receive alerts that someone has commented

  • AJ commented,

    Sorry for the misunderstanding Teresa, you're original comment made it sound like you expected people to use you're preference. But yes, great that you just move on if they dont - you're excising your right of choice

  • AJ commented,

    I think your missing my point. I totally get your point about being rural and using NZ post. I am in exactly the same boat. I only use them for this reason. However, I dont demand or expect that people i buy from uses NZ post. Would I prefer it - yes. But it maybe just as inconvenient to them to use NZ post as it is for me to use aramex  (or some other valid reason for them) - thats what I meant about the hypocrisy in your statement.

  • AJ commented,

    So Teresa - you're fixed on using just one courier (your preference) for your sales but expect others to use the one you prefer when buying?Don't you see the hypocrisy in that statement?

  • AJ commented,

    Ive had people with really bad feedback buy from me and it goes very well. Ive also had people with 100% positive feedback buy from me and they've never paid/made contact. If you see a bid and check the person, yes you could remove their bid and blacklist them (and I have thought to do this), but it might just turn into a sale so I dont.

  • AJ commented,

    Different courier companies have different zonings for rural areas. You can check on addresschecker which companies are rural for a specific address. Ive had some buyer insist they arent but when checking they are.

  • AJ commented,

    If it turns out to be damaged, and caused by the shipping company, you should lodge a claim with them

  • AJ commented,

    I normally just offer NZ post economy post but I dont mind if buyers want to upgrade to courier etc. However I cannot use aramex (and dont want to anyway) due to my location. If someone wanted me to use aramex, it would be much more hassle and cost for me to drop it off their location. Why would i give them this option if its very inconvenient to me?