


Recent activity from Robert
  • Robert commented,

    Many moons ago, Trade Me took down an entire thread because they said the issue has been dealt with. What it looked like is that they didn’t want the thread to get bad publicity m – and I don’t blame them the issue was contentious and ignored. I don’t feel that there is a budget For doing much work on that site. The new look website he’s been around years now and still contains issues that they know about and obviously consciously decided not to fix.

  • Robert commented,

    Trademe is in a death spiral for sure. Our listings are receiving drastically lower views than ever before. It doesn’t help that the entire Pottery and Glass section isn’t even listed in places. Mind boggling. Today, I found I couldn’t find an item in My Products sold list via search even though I typed in the same as the title, hilarious. I see they have changed the new site when viewing unsold and sold but other errors just go ignored. Who’s have thought TradeMe could get to this a few years back?

  • Robert commented,

    Lucy, I pointed out rather clearly that TradeMe choose NOT to be pro-active around these scammers from what I can see. For example, these scammers hack into peoples accounts, create listings, and then change payment instructions or various other things. A simple confirmation email to the listed email of each hacked account would alert the account holders to having been hacked. Two-step authentication would stop it. Requiring authentication when a login from a new device occurs would stop these scams. I could go on but I don’t believe they are taking it seriously. That’s my opinion. An...

  • Robert commented,

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph......TradeMe, are you good people? Do something, please. 

  • Robert commented,

    Last week my auctions had changed as if by magic to free shipping WTF! Definitely was not me and now it’s a maze to contact Trademe about anything yet fees have gone up. Brilliant!

  • Robert commented,

    Thanks SJ,My questions to TM would be:1/ when did that change occur?2/ why isn't that info showing up when the message shows up and3/ why make sellers jump through hoops to get fees they rightfully deserve back? I think I get grumpy in my old age :)

  • Robert created a post,

    Since when did the period to claim a refund decrease to 40 days?This has always been 45 days ie. until the item disappears in your sold items. Went to get a refund for an item unpaid sold June 26th (41 days) and get the error message below with a typical hypertext error in it. I don't recall agreeing to any change of conditions. Did I miss something?

  • Robert commented,

    Welcome to TradeMe

  • Robert commented,

    I totally understand Ivan.I hit the buy now on a mic yesterday, $660, and immediately thought WTF am I doing!That's how easy it is for someone to forget what safe practices are. I wanted the mic, asked a question, got the answer, hit buy now, and then thought "didn't check if they had Ping, had checked feedback, hadn't checked when it was listed....blah blah blah"So I emailed the seller and asked if they could call me and tell me their bank account details so I could hear their voice, get their mobile number, and get as much piece of mind as I can. This is becoming ridiculous as TradeMe are...

  • Robert commented,

    OMFG!!!TradeMe, doing nothing is not doing everything!I lost several hundred dollars, so have others, and so will others from this point on.Telling members what to do to stay safe on YOUR site because YOU do not have sufficient processes in place is passing the buck to the people at risk and least capable of protecting themselves. Since this thread started, TradeMe have not told us of ONE change they have introduced and we have seen NO changes, admittedly some may have been implemented out of our sight. But the fact remains that several possible breaks in the scammers processes could have b...