That is why a lot of people have stopped buying from Trade Me I talked to a couple of customers and they said they don’t go in Trade Me because of all the pages of the same thing from International Sellers. They said it’s more interesting on Facebook .Sometimes bigger isnt always better
Oh my god yes. Sales have definitely dropped. Worst I’ve seen in a few years. One of my Courier drivers said parcels from Temu have tripled . It’s either that or there’s just no money out there the moment
Totally. Still as of today. My listings only now show up on the bid bud. But BEFORE if you googled my Trade Me name it would take you to my listings where I actually sell on Trade me NOT BiD BUD. If you’re directing your customers to where you sell only TRADE ME . But then they go to google it as youve told them and it comes up as big bud. NOt HAPPY.
Andrew tell me how long has bidbud been advertising trademe sellers listing ?
Can you send me the link. So I am able to stop and bidbud advertising my listings
But the thing is it did used to come up and link them to Trade Me from the Google search. Now when you search it now comes up just bidbud and no trade me . Grrr
Because it is far easier to search my name on Google than it is to try and find the drop-down box for members for people to be able to search me. Or try and explain to someone where to find the members when I can hardly find it myself. I can’t see why Trade Me can’t make it easier for people to be able to search members
Absolutely totally agree they should be removed. That is why half the people go to Facebook now because they can’t be bothered of the pages and pages and pages of the same thing. Example an overseas seller has 200,000 listings for 30 feedbacks. For God sake Totally boring for Customer to look at.
I have never heard of bidbud. And I bet so many other people haven’t heard of them either. I still think it’s wrong. Like telling a customer I am on Trade Me ,google my name and they can’t even get there now . They use to a be able to. they’ll be thinking I am having them on / scam as now it doesn’t come up with Trade Me. Which really sucks. Also Trade Me makes it just about impossible to search a members name . Half the time I can’t even find the scroll down for it. So how many other people find it hard to find a member on Trade Me. That is why I am peeved that bidbud now comes up instead...
I should not have to contact them. Maybe trade should have asked members before they decided to do this. And why weren’t we told ??