Misleading listings

What to do if you come across a listing that might be misleading. Most reports will let us know what's not right and why – and where the problem is. 

All listings on Trade Me need to be described fully and accurately, to make sure there aren't any disputes. Professional sellers have further obligations.


When a listing might be misleading

A listing might not be fully accurate, or have enough info. Often it's a case of the seller being well-intentioned, but not knowing everything about what they're selling.

Other times, it might be that they've been given incorrect info from someone else, or a simple spelling mistake.

Claims about an item can only be made if they can be backed up with evidence. If you're not 100% sure, or don't have evidence – leave it out of your description.

From time to time, we might request some more information about a listing, to make sure things are above-board.

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What to do if you think a listing is misleading

If there's not quite enough info, or the seller has made a genuine mistake – ask the seller a question.

If you think a listing is misleading or inaccurate, let us know by using Community Watch at the bottom of the listing.

When reporting a misleading or inaccurate listing, include:

  • Specifically what about the listing isn't right.
  • What you think it should or shouldn't say.
  • How you know this – attach any evidence to back up your report.


When we receive a report, our team of experts will review the listing – and follow up with appropriate action.

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Need to report a listing? Find out how

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