Jobs fees

All of our fees for Jobs listings.

Jobs graphic illustrationLearn about fees to advertise a job vacancy.


Base listing fees

When listing a job, you can choose either a Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze package. Job listing fees in some categories or sub categories may vary. The table below shows our base prices. 

Browse job listing fees by category to see how much a listing in a specific category will cost.

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze

$649 + GST

($746.35 incl. GST)

$499 + GST
($573.85 incl. GST)
$349 + GST
($401.35 incl. GST)
$199 + GST
($228.85 incl. GST)
$99 + GST
($113.85 incl. GST)
30-day duration 30-day duration 30-day duration 30-day duration 7-day duration

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgHighest position in search results, and exclusive top spot for 14 days

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgExpand audience reach to social media platforms

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgLarger search card with logo and photo

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAdd your company logo, banner, photos and a video to your listing

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAccess to our Applicant Tracking System

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgTrade Me Jobs Profiles: Candidate Database access (includes 15 profile unlocks)

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgHighest position in search results, and exclusive top spot for 7 days

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgLarger search card with logo and photo

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAdd your company logo, banner, photos and a video to your listing

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAccess to our Applicant Tracking System

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svg Trade Me Jobs Profiles: Candidate Database access (includes 10 profile unlocks)

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgHigh position in search results

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAdd your company logo, banner, photos and a video to your listing

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAccess to our Applicant Tracking System

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svg Trade Me Jobs Profiles: Candidate Database access (includes 5 profile unlocks)

basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAccess to our Applicant Tracking System basic-tick-framed-16-medium.svgAccess to our Applicant Tracking System


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Package options

We offer packages suited to how many job listings you need and how often you need to post them. Learn more about our package options. 

Volume plan External link icon

Job pack External link icon

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Price testing

From time to time we test new pricing and offerings, so they may be different to those shown here. Prices will always be clear before you purchase. If you have any questions about this, contact the Trade Me jobs team External link icon.

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