Export trade and transaction details

Export details about recent trades and transactions from My Trade Me. For old, bulk or tax information, you may need to request an account summary.

Export details about recent trades and transactions from My Trade Me. For old, bulk or tax information, you may need to request an account summary.

Account history graphic illustration


Trade or listing details

If you need more information about a single trade or listing, contact our Customer Experience team

To comply with the Privacy Act, we cannot provide contact information of other traders.

View a listing that closed more than 45 days ago

Listings that closed more than 45 days ago won’t appear in My Trade Me. You can search Trade Me for closed listings using their listing number. The listing number appears in emails from us or from the buyer or seller about the Trade.

Get bulk trade or listing details

If you need information about multiple listings or trades, request an account summary.

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Trade Me account transactions

You can view and export Trade Me account transactions like top-ups or listing promotions from the past 60 days in My Trade Me.

1. Go to My Trade Me.
2. Under 'My Balances', select View account statement to open the Account Statement page.
3. Select Export My Trade Me Account at the bottom of your statement.
4. Choose the type of transactions and the time period you want to export.
5. Select Export. A .csv file will download to your computer’s downloads folder.

1. Select My Trade Me profile-framed from the footer.
2. Select Profile & Account profile-framed.
3. Select Account Balance shop-wallet.

1. Select My Trade Me profile-framed from the footer.
2. Select Profile & Account profile-framed.
3. Select Account Balance shop-wallet.

If you want to view Trade Me account transactions older than 60 days, request an account summary.

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Ping transactions

You can view and download Ping transactions from My Trade Me.

1. Go to My Trade Me.
2. Under 'My balances', select Manage Ping.
3. Scroll down to the Transactions section.
4. Select All transactions to open a page of all your Ping transactions.
5. Use the date filter to choose what time period you want to download.
6. Select the three dots above the list of transactions.
7. Select Download. A .csv file will download in your computer’s downloads folder.

You can view Ping Transactions in the Trade Me app.

1. Select My Trade Me profile-framed from the footer.
2. Select Profile & Account profile-framed.
3. Select Account Balance shop-wallet.

To download your Ping transactions, head to trademe.co.nz in your browser.

You can view Ping Transactions in the Trade Me app.

1. Select My Trade Me profile-framed from the footer.
2. Select Profile & Account profile-framed.
3. Select Account Balance shop-wallet.

To download your Ping transactions, head to trademe.co.nz in your browser.

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Afterpay transactions

You can view and export Afterpay transactions from the last 60 days in My Trade Me.

1. Go to My Trade Me.
2. Under 'My balances', select View Afterpay statement. 
3. Select Export Pay Now and Afterpay Account.

To view and export your Pay Now & Afterpay account statement, head to trademe.co.nz in your browser.
To view and export your Pay Now & Afterpay account statement, head to trademe.co.nz in your browser.

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Request an account summary

We’re happy to send you an export of old or bulk account information that you can’t access in your My Trade Me account.

What we can export and send

We can send you an Excel (.xlsx) file of:

  • Sold items
  • Unsold items
  • Bought items
  • Trade Me account Statement
  • Pay Now and Afterpay Account Statement

What we can’t export and send

  • Contact details of other traders
  • Listing photos or descriptions
  • Ping transactions. Find out how you can view and download ping transactions.

How to request an account summary

Complete the request an account summary form and someone from our Customer Experience team will be in touch with the data.

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