Electrical safety

NZ law requires all electrical appliance items sold to consumers to be safe.Electrical_Kev.png


Can I sell secondhand electrical items?

Yes! But, all secondhand electrical items sold in New Zealand must still be electrically safe. A way of demonstrating this is to have them tested to Australian and New Zealand Electrical Safety Standard (AS/NZS) 5761.

If you're not sure, you can sell an item with the plug removed.

For more details, see MBIE’s advice External link icon.

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Required paperwork

Some electrical items require a supplier declaration of compliance (SDoC) before they can be sold. Some also require safety approval from the Government or certification.


  • The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s Energy Safety team can ask for your documentation at any time.
  • You must supply it within 10 days or you risk a $3,000 fine for a company, or a $1,000 fine if you are an individual.
  • Members who fail to supply the requested documentation to Energy Safety risk having listings removed and their membership restricted or suspended.


Trade Me


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Electrical plugs 

Items with foreign plugs can't be listed or sold.

All items with electrical plugs must:

Insulated pins

Image highlighting safety features of a New Zealand electircal plug, including insulated pins.Source: Worksafe


Even with an adapter, items with foreign plugs can't be listed or sold.

For example, you can't sell a phone with a charger that uses a UK plug with an adapter. 

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More info

Check out WorkSafe's guide to supplying safe electrical products External link icon

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Our electrical safety policy on Trade Me.

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