Cool auctions
Learn what cool auctions are and how to nominate listings.
Cool auctions are listings we think deserve a wider audience. If you find something cool, nominate it to be a cool auction.
What makes an auction cool
What makes a cool auction? We’re looking for listings that are:
- interesting
- thought-provoking
- unique
- unusual
- quirky
- challenging
- clever
- compelling
- entertaining or extraordinary in some way.
Being for a good cause can be helpful, but it's not necessary.
Cool auctions appear on our homepage and on our dedicated cool auctions page.
Nominate a listing to be a cool auction
If you find something cool, complete the cool auction nomination form and we’ll consider the listing for cool auction status!
Keep in mind, with all the good stuff on Trade Me, cool auction spots are competitive.
There is no limit to how long a listing can stay on the cool auction page.
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