Contacting the seller

Find out about the different ways you can contact the seller.

Contacting_the_buyer_or_seller.svgWhen you win a listing, you can contact the seller – to arrange things like payment and delivery.

Having trouble contacting the seller? We can help.

Trade Me Messages

Messages is available on the Trade Me app (v108.2 or later) – for Marketplace and Motors listings in your Won items.

1. Open the listing from your Won items in the app.
Select 'Message the seller' (if available).

1. Open the listing from your Won items in the app.
2. Select 'Message the seller' (if available).

To use Messages, download the Trade Me app:

Download Trade Me for iOS from the App StoreDownload Trade Me for Android from Google Play

Both the buyer and seller need to be using the app. If Messages isn't available, email the seller instead.

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Where to find the seller's email address:

  • Purchase confirmation email.
  • Won items – within 45 days of the listing closing.

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Send your delivery address online

1. Tap My Trade Me profile-framed.
2. TapWon, then tap your purchase.
3. Tap Delivery address, then enter your details and tap Done.
1. Tap My Trade Me profile-framed.
2. TapWon, then tap your purchase.
3. Tap Delivery address, then enter your details and tap Done.

1. Go to My Trade Me.
2. Select Won, then select your purchase.
3. Under 'next steps', select Send delivery address.
4. Select your delivery address, or add a new one, then select Send delivery address.

If you haven't provided your delivery address or paid online, you'll need to contact the seller within two working days of the listing closing.

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Classified enquiry

Motors and Property classified listings have the option to send a message to the advertiser.

From the listing, select Email enquiry, Email the dealer, or Email the seller.

Your message and email address are sent to the advertiser, and they can reply to you directly.

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