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I got the same peiblen i added a subtitle and it extended auction out a week to sunday the 18th september i want auction to close on aunday 11th i tried editing in last page it just goes back to the 18th i have no bids either product will sell in last few hours of listing everytime so now i cant get much need earn till after the 18th why is this the go .i see others have complained but those answering her havnt heard what she was saying and thats even more frustrating .. i get what you r saying with the wof date etc . What can we do ..a buy a time machine off trademe .but uvmig...
Recent activity
I got the same peiblen i added a subtitle and it extended auction out a week to sunday the 18th september i want auction to close on aunday 11th i tried editing in last page it just goes back to the 18th i have no bids either product will sell in last few hours of listing everytime so now i cant get much need earn till after the 18th why is this the go .i see others have complained but those answering her havnt heard what she was saying and thats even more frustrating .. i get what you r saying with the wof date etc . What can we do ..a buy a time machine off trademe .but uvmig...
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