I don't often use the CSV file option for uploading new listings, but when I do, I get problems with TM not finding my photos. Here's the sequence I followed.First I created a listing manually, then exported it as a CSV file to give me a template. I uploaded a dozen photos to My Photos (one at a time, which was most annoying - separate question: is there no bulk upload option?)I then copied and pasted the filenames from my photos to the "photos" cells in the CSV file, observing the formatting in the template I'd created from the live listing, to make sure the syntax etc. was correct. W...
I have the "auto-send payment instructions" option ticked on all my listings. A couple of times recently, buyers have contacted me to say they hadn't arrived, and that they weren't in their spam box. Just happened to me as a buyer for the first time - seller insists the box was ticked but nothing received here (and nothing in spam). The check-list on my "items won" doesn't show payment instructions sent for my latest purchase, but based on my own recent experiences I believe the seller. Curious to know if others (buyers/sellers) have experienced this in the past few weeks. I have a scr...