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I found yesterday that if I copied and pasted the entire URL as above into the cell of my CSV file it would work - but that was going to be so time-consuming it would be faster just to copy and update old listings, which has been my usual approach. But the realisation that there had to be a simpler way led me to post here this morning, and I'm pleased I did - thanks once again.
Doesn't appear to be the case. One of yesterday's manual uploads:[filename.jpg] And this morning's via the bulk uploader:[filename.jpg]
Marvellous - thanks. What's odd is that when I used the tool and uploaded all 12 in one go just now, I looked in My Photos and there they were alongside the ones I'd uploaded manually yesterday, with just a change of caps to lower-case throughout. I get that this works, and I'll do it this way in future, but still mystified why the system was unable to locate them in what seems to be the same file location.
Yes. I screen-shot my "won" list last night and this is the relevant bit. The top one is the purchase I'm talking about, which says no instructions were sent, though the seller says the box was ticked. I can't check his settings, of course. Next time it happens to me as seller I'll be sure to screen-shot it for the record. The lower one is an earlier purchase, for comparison.
I don't know about my current seller but I don't use the iPhone app and have all my multi-item sales on auto-relist via the Products function on the desktop application. When I've gone back to look, the box is still ticked. So I still think we're talking about different situations.
And what I'm describing is situation #5. Sold with reserve met, no Ping, seller has ticked "send instructions", and none were received, either separately or in the notice of won auction. That was what I was hoping I made clear in my initial post.I am therefore in the position of having won an auction, with no payment details to enable me to complete the transaction, while the seller says - no doubt truthfully - that he ticked the box and that therefore I should have them. I believe him because I've been in his situation twice recently myself. Buyers have contacted me asking for payment ...
That doesn't match my experience - normally you tick the "auto send instructions" box as the seller and they go out as a separate email at the same time as the notice to the buyer that they've won the auction. It seems that it's less than 2% of cases that that doesn't happen, at the moment at least. Otherwise a lot of very clever or psychic people have worked out how to pay me in the other 98%!
I may have discovered at least part of a clue to what's going on - if the page breaks into rows and loses all the descriptive content as I described above, reducing the page size on-screen seems to fix it. I normally have my browser set to 120%, and taking it down to 110% or 100% restores the normal format again. Increase it -> back to rows and missing descriptions again. Thing is, it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, I at least appear to have a temporary fix. Now we just need to stop it from happening in the first place somehow. (And no, I'm not going to work on a smaller ...
That's actually quite different to what I got - there was no mention of "description" or anything in my case, with all the elements arranged in a single column (so no left-hand titles as in Gary's picture above).
Thanks, Lucy, a day or so later I accidentally clicked on someething (not sure what, sadly!) and the page resolved itself into the more usual format with pic at left, title at right and details below. Previously everything had been arranged in rows with no sign of any description. I didn't get any screenshots but I'll be sure to do so if it happens again.
Recent activity
I found yesterday that if I copied and pasted the entire URL as above into the cell of my CSV file it would work - but that was going to be so time-consuming it would be faster just to copy and update old listings, which has been my usual approach. But the realisation that there had to be a simpler way led me to post here this morning, and I'm pleased I did - thanks once again.
0 Votes
Doesn't appear to be the case. One of yesterday's manual uploads:[filename.jpg] And this morning's via the bulk uploader:[filename.jpg]
0 Votes
Marvellous - thanks. What's odd is that when I used the tool and uploaded all 12 in one go just now, I looked in My Photos and there they were alongside the ones I'd uploaded manually yesterday, with just a change of caps to lower-case throughout. I get that this works, and I'll do it this way in future, but still mystified why the system was unable to locate them in what seems to be the same file location.
0 Votes
Yes. I screen-shot my "won" list last night and this is the relevant bit. The top one is the purchase I'm talking about, which says no instructions were sent, though the seller says the box was ticked. I can't check his settings, of course. Next time it happens to me as seller I'll be sure to screen-shot it for the record. The lower one is an earlier purchase, for comparison.
0 Votes
I don't know about my current seller but I don't use the iPhone app and have all my multi-item sales on auto-relist via the Products function on the desktop application. When I've gone back to look, the box is still ticked. So I still think we're talking about different situations.
0 Votes
And what I'm describing is situation #5. Sold with reserve met, no Ping, seller has ticked "send instructions", and none were received, either separately or in the notice of won auction. That was what I was hoping I made clear in my initial post.I am therefore in the position of having won an auction, with no payment details to enable me to complete the transaction, while the seller says - no doubt truthfully - that he ticked the box and that therefore I should have them. I believe him because I've been in his situation twice recently myself. Buyers have contacted me asking for payment ...
0 Votes
That doesn't match my experience - normally you tick the "auto send instructions" box as the seller and they go out as a separate email at the same time as the notice to the buyer that they've won the auction. It seems that it's less than 2% of cases that that doesn't happen, at the moment at least. Otherwise a lot of very clever or psychic people have worked out how to pay me in the other 98%!
0 Votes
I may have discovered at least part of a clue to what's going on - if the page breaks into rows and loses all the descriptive content as I described above, reducing the page size on-screen seems to fix it. I normally have my browser set to 120%, and taking it down to 110% or 100% restores the normal format again. Increase it -> back to rows and missing descriptions again. Thing is, it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, I at least appear to have a temporary fix. Now we just need to stop it from happening in the first place somehow. (And no, I'm not going to work on a smaller ...
0 Votes
That's actually quite different to what I got - there was no mention of "description" or anything in my case, with all the elements arranged in a single column (so no left-hand titles as in Gary's picture above).
0 Votes
Thanks, Lucy, a day or so later I accidentally clicked on someething (not sure what, sadly!) and the page resolved itself into the more usual format with pic at left, title at right and details below. Previously everything had been arranged in rows with no sign of any description. I didn't get any screenshots but I'll be sure to do so if it happens again.
0 Votes