Wow im glad I havent had that one Victoria.. I get the issue where people put stuff in delivery notes and it comes through blank. Get buyers all the time saying they sent me a message there but it doesnt send. Im back on the old version today for the sold items page. Hope it stays, but thanks callum at least I can use the MP version with the copy email option :). Otherwise bidbud it is.
my sold items page got the 'upgrade'. It doesnt have bulk feedback option which is very difficult to work with. Does anyone use the "my products" sold items page? Its just so big and clunky I havent dared try it. So much information on there. but seems to be missing the email address of the customer, which I now need because I have to email tracking details directly.
Yeah it is definitely flawed, but could be avoided if like on my simple woocommerce website, TM had an address verifier.. I agree that NZ Post should double check it, but sometimes they slide through, and if they do, they then bill me for it. In the past they have always credited it, but today, they arent budging and as usual squeezing every drop out of small businesses for their verification issues. Interesting that none can get through BAC though.
I dont use book a courier. BAC is too slow for high volume selling so I havent tried that to see how they deal with that situation. What I mean is trade me allows users to manipulate the address by making up a post code, there for getting imported to eship (nzpost) as an urban address, when the address is incorrectly formatted to avoid rural charges. The buyer selects urban shipping. You should not be allowed to edit the post code, and only be allowed to use the post code provided on say NZ Post website. If they dont let rural charges get through BAC, then they must have some address veri...
Primitive trade me system still allows made up addresses. Allows people to put in random street and put in a fake post code. Someone edited their post code so it comes up as non rural, but its a rural address, so I got billed twice $5 so $10 for items I make $2 on because trade mes address verification doesnt work. I dont know that the buyer did this until a month later when I get the bill. This needs to be fixed, along with delivery instructions box which is still faulty after 3 years of letting trade me know. Increased fees again, with the basics still not working. At least they could d...
Still getting daily bugs here. Delivery instructions are an important part of selling. Another 2 today.
Going on 2 years. Still broken. Any updates on the progress? I cant imagine fixing a text box is complicated which was once working. I get these on a daily basis but this one from this morning:
If the delivery note was successful, it will show up under "items I won" and then click on delivery address etc. But that wont help if you put in the note but it failed to process. Ive been emailing trade me for over a year with customers who say they have put in a note and nothing has come through. So they arent in a hurry to fix it. I would send them an email with your story as this is what im worried about. If delivery instructions arent followed because they never made it onto the package, the seller isnt at fault, and neither is the buyer. And I doubt trade me will take responsibility ...
" they told me not to expect a solution anytime soon. " Pretty much sums up trade me. My new problem with the template system is I have a standard post option that is for any postal address including rural, and a courier option and a rural courier option. This new system seems to make things more complicated for buyers. The timeframe thing is great. The rest is crap. Below I have the old way, and the new way, where rural people no longer know they can use the cheap option New way
There are no problems printing etc. Its not on my end. If they come through on trade me, they print fine. The problem is with buyer input. There is some bug or user error (based flawed design by trade me). Most people wont notice this unless they sell custom items. But about 5-10 times per week, a customer will put instructions for engraving in the delivery note. Doesnt show up though, anywhere. Not on trade me website "delivery address" section or on the purchase email. The only reason I will know that there was meant to be info added there, is that I email customer asking for instructi...