Recent activity
Hi Jacqui. Pretty much as Gary said, Dont let the buyer bully you into sending undercost. Send him weight and dimensions. Then advise him what your combined shipping cost is. He then has the option of paying you (after having dimensions to convince himself your request is genuine), or organising freight himself. And give him a date and time that you require payment by stating the trade will be cancelled at that point and success fee requested. Its then a deadline buyer has to work within, and seeing he seems to be onselling item before he even owns it, it puts the pressure on buyer to compl...
Agree with Callum. Internationals get a lot of bad feedback, but if you read it, its often not justified. Lots of it is shipping related and buyer it seems has not read up the detail on the listing that it had long delivery times so seller got an unwarranted red due to buyer incompetance from not reading listing. As we all know once goods have left the seller, seller has zero control over delivery speed. It would be a big call to get TM to ban Internationals below these feedback % mentioned as TM would need to read all the FBs and eliminate those not deamed fair. TM simply dont have those r...
I reflect sentiments of those above really. When Ping was introduced I was very sceptical ( tightass begrudging TM extracting more fees from me). However once I took it up was happy with it for its reasonable cost. Transactions flow smoother and quicker, refunds if needed are easily done. Also 80% of buyers use it, but I also accept some buyers don't want to for what ever reason so keep bank deposit option for them. I believe as Ping is so commonly used now many buyers are likely to pass a purchase by if ping is not offered, especially if there are similar items readily available on TM. And...
While you may think that $5.60 is expenvive, try and break it down into its components. GSt is 73c, the courier driver for pickup and delivery is at least $1 (50c for each action. so $5.60 is now down to $3.87. It then has to be sorted in both the incoming and outgoing depot, say 50c each, thats $1. It then has to go on a truck between depots. If its a nationwide price for the ticket, then they average out transport costs throught nz, that maybe another $1. We are now at $1.87 which is left to pay the courier compay management, profit for the company and pay their insurance on the parcel. S...
Nobody is neccesarily at fault. But it maybe that the parcel is delivered and 1/ they have not found it(left behind bush of furniture for security) or 2/ somebody else in the house may have recieved it but not told reciever or 3/ it was stolen. A question to ask is how can NZ post verify it has been delivered to the named address (photo/ GPS cordinates of scanner) or just the word of the courier. It is also possible you in error put an incorrect address (if not copied and pasted from TM), or it is even possible (thinking Maliciously) the buyer selected non signature so they could recieve i...
Perhaps a painful lesson learnt. While I have a few regular customers who I know and trust have goods before payment, in other cases would never let goods go before payment. How long has it been since they picked up? It maybe that they genuinly forgot and not looked at any email reminder you sent them, always start from the positive side rather than assume they are the bad bay. Keep at them to pay. If they do not pay let them know if payment not received by a certain date and time , that you will place red feedback stating their facts and noting their dishonesty. If you place red feedback...
While there are some issues with some overseas sellers, that is really an issue for TM to monitor the issues and ensure they are not issues. I like having the overseas stuff, but the sellers need strict controlling. You have the option of searching within NZ to eliminate international traders. If they are appearing in that, then its an issue for TM to sort out. There are misleading listing both international and in NZ. International sellers are required to give their estimated ship time so you as a buyer have an idea of delivery. However anyone buying international knows the real ship time ...
But I guess its being withdrawn, as with many TM actions at present to increase the site to max profitability for sale in near future
Yes, it can be refunded straight away now callum. It changed at some stage in theses covidy times and has been that way at least 9 months.
Trademe sale has priority
Recent activity
Hi Jacqui. Pretty much as Gary said, Dont let the buyer bully you into sending undercost. Send him weight and dimensions. Then advise him what your combined shipping cost is. He then has the option of paying you (after having dimensions to convince himself your request is genuine), or organising freight himself. And give him a date and time that you require payment by stating the trade will be cancelled at that point and success fee requested. Its then a deadline buyer has to work within, and seeing he seems to be onselling item before he even owns it, it puts the pressure on buyer to compl...
3 Votes
Agree with Callum. Internationals get a lot of bad feedback, but if you read it, its often not justified. Lots of it is shipping related and buyer it seems has not read up the detail on the listing that it had long delivery times so seller got an unwarranted red due to buyer incompetance from not reading listing. As we all know once goods have left the seller, seller has zero control over delivery speed. It would be a big call to get TM to ban Internationals below these feedback % mentioned as TM would need to read all the FBs and eliminate those not deamed fair. TM simply dont have those r...
2 Votes
I reflect sentiments of those above really. When Ping was introduced I was very sceptical ( tightass begrudging TM extracting more fees from me). However once I took it up was happy with it for its reasonable cost. Transactions flow smoother and quicker, refunds if needed are easily done. Also 80% of buyers use it, but I also accept some buyers don't want to for what ever reason so keep bank deposit option for them. I believe as Ping is so commonly used now many buyers are likely to pass a purchase by if ping is not offered, especially if there are similar items readily available on TM. And...
2 Votes
While you may think that $5.60 is expenvive, try and break it down into its components. GSt is 73c, the courier driver for pickup and delivery is at least $1 (50c for each action. so $5.60 is now down to $3.87. It then has to be sorted in both the incoming and outgoing depot, say 50c each, thats $1. It then has to go on a truck between depots. If its a nationwide price for the ticket, then they average out transport costs throught nz, that maybe another $1. We are now at $1.87 which is left to pay the courier compay management, profit for the company and pay their insurance on the parcel. S...
2 Votes
Nobody is neccesarily at fault. But it maybe that the parcel is delivered and 1/ they have not found it(left behind bush of furniture for security) or 2/ somebody else in the house may have recieved it but not told reciever or 3/ it was stolen. A question to ask is how can NZ post verify it has been delivered to the named address (photo/ GPS cordinates of scanner) or just the word of the courier. It is also possible you in error put an incorrect address (if not copied and pasted from TM), or it is even possible (thinking Maliciously) the buyer selected non signature so they could recieve i...
2 Votes
Perhaps a painful lesson learnt. While I have a few regular customers who I know and trust have goods before payment, in other cases would never let goods go before payment. How long has it been since they picked up? It maybe that they genuinly forgot and not looked at any email reminder you sent them, always start from the positive side rather than assume they are the bad bay. Keep at them to pay. If they do not pay let them know if payment not received by a certain date and time , that you will place red feedback stating their facts and noting their dishonesty. If you place red feedback...
1 Vote
While there are some issues with some overseas sellers, that is really an issue for TM to monitor the issues and ensure they are not issues. I like having the overseas stuff, but the sellers need strict controlling. You have the option of searching within NZ to eliminate international traders. If they are appearing in that, then its an issue for TM to sort out. There are misleading listing both international and in NZ. International sellers are required to give their estimated ship time so you as a buyer have an idea of delivery. However anyone buying international knows the real ship time ...
0 Votes
But I guess its being withdrawn, as with many TM actions at present to increase the site to max profitability for sale in near future
0 Votes
Yes, it can be refunded straight away now callum. It changed at some stage in theses covidy times and has been that way at least 9 months.
1 Vote
Trademe sale has priority
1 Vote