Recent activity
Hi Callum. Yes. I was the seller. Payment instructions sent automatically each sale to buyer. Buyer claims they cannot find on the TM app on phone. So I can see they are on my desk top site which I usually use, but decided to check they are visible on the app. So I looked on the sale on the app and cannot find payment instructions anywhere. Can you guide me to what I click through on in the app to find? Im on android, although im not sure the navigation in the android app would be any different to the apple app version.
Agree with Callum. Internationals get a lot of bad feedback, but if you read it, its often not justified. Lots of it is shipping related and buyer it seems has not read up the detail on the listing that it had long delivery times so seller got an unwarranted red due to buyer incompetance from not reading listing. As we all know once goods have left the seller, seller has zero control over delivery speed. It would be a big call to get TM to ban Internationals below these feedback % mentioned as TM would need to read all the FBs and eliminate those not deamed fair. TM simply dont have those r...
While there are some issues with some overseas sellers, that is really an issue for TM to monitor the issues and ensure they are not issues. I like having the overseas stuff, but the sellers need strict controlling. You have the option of searching within NZ to eliminate international traders. If they are appearing in that, then its an issue for TM to sort out. There are misleading listing both international and in NZ. International sellers are required to give their estimated ship time so you as a buyer have an idea of delivery. However anyone buying international knows the real ship time ...
Simon. What is your reasoning for wanting to remove them?
But I guess its being withdrawn, as with many TM actions at present to increase the site to max profitability for sale in near future
I have yet to get any information from TM about the abolition of the gold rebate. Not that it bothers me, I think I have had 1 rebate in the whole time it existed
Can understand what S says. While not involved in coordinates at all in past, there can be numerous delivery boxes at one gps coordinate, so could easily be the wrong box it was delivered to. You are not able to get signatures for rural delivery however so how can a seller ever produce evidence of correct delivery there? They cannot if TM only accept a signature. The other issue with signatures is couriers forge them, or some other person at the delivery site signs for it, either under their own name, or under the receivers name(and of course then that's a false signature and not valid pe...
A number of IFS. Did you get confirmation from the buyer that shipping is at their risk as it is not covered by the courier. If you did, did you pack it adequately? It you did fine, they dont have a claim, you are responsible. However you may not ever know the cause of the breakage, was it not packed enough for the normal rigorous of the courier system, or did a truck run over it or other mechanical damage. As courier binned it you are perhaps not in a position to know
Lorayne. Yes, every bodies shipping costs have gone up, unfortunately like everything else we buy. In reality unless you increase shipping, you will be making less and less on each sale. Also at present the general sentiment from sellers is that sales are going down generally. Mortgage rates, fuel, food and infact most things have seen considerable rises so people have less disposable income now after paying for essentials. When setting your shipping price, be aware shipping cost is not just the courier ticket price, it includes all the other costs involved in the shipping activity. This ...
I reflect sentiments of those above really. When Ping was introduced I was very sceptical ( tightass begrudging TM extracting more fees from me). However once I took it up was happy with it for its reasonable cost. Transactions flow smoother and quicker, refunds if needed are easily done. Also 80% of buyers use it, but I also accept some buyers don't want to for what ever reason so keep bank deposit option for them. I believe as Ping is so commonly used now many buyers are likely to pass a purchase by if ping is not offered, especially if there are similar items readily available on TM. And...
Recent activity
Hi Callum. Yes. I was the seller. Payment instructions sent automatically each sale to buyer. Buyer claims they cannot find on the TM app on phone. So I can see they are on my desk top site which I usually use, but decided to check they are visible on the app. So I looked on the sale on the app and cannot find payment instructions anywhere. Can you guide me to what I click through on in the app to find? Im on android, although im not sure the navigation in the android app would be any different to the apple app version.
0 Votes
Agree with Callum. Internationals get a lot of bad feedback, but if you read it, its often not justified. Lots of it is shipping related and buyer it seems has not read up the detail on the listing that it had long delivery times so seller got an unwarranted red due to buyer incompetance from not reading listing. As we all know once goods have left the seller, seller has zero control over delivery speed. It would be a big call to get TM to ban Internationals below these feedback % mentioned as TM would need to read all the FBs and eliminate those not deamed fair. TM simply dont have those r...
2 Votes
While there are some issues with some overseas sellers, that is really an issue for TM to monitor the issues and ensure they are not issues. I like having the overseas stuff, but the sellers need strict controlling. You have the option of searching within NZ to eliminate international traders. If they are appearing in that, then its an issue for TM to sort out. There are misleading listing both international and in NZ. International sellers are required to give their estimated ship time so you as a buyer have an idea of delivery. However anyone buying international knows the real ship time ...
0 Votes
Simon. What is your reasoning for wanting to remove them?
1 Vote
But I guess its being withdrawn, as with many TM actions at present to increase the site to max profitability for sale in near future
0 Votes
I have yet to get any information from TM about the abolition of the gold rebate. Not that it bothers me, I think I have had 1 rebate in the whole time it existed
0 Votes
Can understand what S says. While not involved in coordinates at all in past, there can be numerous delivery boxes at one gps coordinate, so could easily be the wrong box it was delivered to. You are not able to get signatures for rural delivery however so how can a seller ever produce evidence of correct delivery there? They cannot if TM only accept a signature. The other issue with signatures is couriers forge them, or some other person at the delivery site signs for it, either under their own name, or under the receivers name(and of course then that's a false signature and not valid pe...
0 Votes
A number of IFS. Did you get confirmation from the buyer that shipping is at their risk as it is not covered by the courier. If you did, did you pack it adequately? It you did fine, they dont have a claim, you are responsible. However you may not ever know the cause of the breakage, was it not packed enough for the normal rigorous of the courier system, or did a truck run over it or other mechanical damage. As courier binned it you are perhaps not in a position to know
0 Votes
Lorayne. Yes, every bodies shipping costs have gone up, unfortunately like everything else we buy. In reality unless you increase shipping, you will be making less and less on each sale. Also at present the general sentiment from sellers is that sales are going down generally. Mortgage rates, fuel, food and infact most things have seen considerable rises so people have less disposable income now after paying for essentials. When setting your shipping price, be aware shipping cost is not just the courier ticket price, it includes all the other costs involved in the shipping activity. This ...
0 Votes
I reflect sentiments of those above really. When Ping was introduced I was very sceptical ( tightass begrudging TM extracting more fees from me). However once I took it up was happy with it for its reasonable cost. Transactions flow smoother and quicker, refunds if needed are easily done. Also 80% of buyers use it, but I also accept some buyers don't want to for what ever reason so keep bank deposit option for them. I believe as Ping is so commonly used now many buyers are likely to pass a purchase by if ping is not offered, especially if there are similar items readily available on TM. And...
2 Votes