I don't plan to use the bags. I prefer to recycle packaging and have always just used the labels in the past but getting an idea of the dimensions of the parcel is a lot more difficult right now. I've always had a bag sitting around to check that my book would fit in the allowance for the labels. My math is terrible but I just measured the volumetric weight for a trade paperback and it seemed to be twice the allowance for an S ticket. So the S ticket when it was a C5 and offered maximum dimensions would allow for two books and now it seems it won't even allow for one... Thanks for the sugg...
I'm coming to the end of my old prepaid NZ post labels - the ones with maximum dimensions printed. Just wondering what other sellers thoughts are regarding the best value at the moment to send a large trade paperback or two? It used to be you could send two with a C5 label provided they weren't too thick but now with the postage being required to fit in the bag which only accommodates the thinnest of trade paperbacks or to use the volumetric weight it's not so simple.
I constantly have this problem with fixed price offer or bids. Customers will often message asking where there item is only to end up apologizing profusely when they realize their payment didn't go out automatically like with buy now purchases. I have one customer who I've explained it to multiple times but still have to remind her to manually trigger the ping payments with each order.It causes a lot of delays and additional work with having to e-mail them.
Do you mean nothing in your ping account or the money in your ping account hasn't moved to your bank account?To withdraw the ping balance to your bank account: Go to My Trade Me. Select 'Manage Ping' under 'My balances'. Select Transfer out. You can also set this up to pay out automatically in the future. There's more info in the ping FAQ: https://help.trademe.co.nz/hc/en-us/articles/360007264411-Ping-account
I understand that ping is faster then bank transfer for a single sale but the thing that gets me is the customers who buy up to 50 $1 reserve auctions and want to pay with ping instead of bank transfer 'cause it's easier'. How is manually authorizing 50 ping payments (as they're bids not buy nows and don't go through automatically) easier then a single bank transfer? I watch their ping payments start to come in on my notifications and the process can take up to twenty minutes until they've paid all of them! And then to top it off they have to pay the postage separately via internet banking ...
I've just received Sunday's payment but Saturday's still isn't showing.
Its not working for me either. Packing large orders is going to be a nightmare without the thumbnails...
Same here. I can access it via My Products (but of course not filter) and I can bring up purchases in the blank sold list via P code or username but I can't see the complete list.
I've pretty much stopped leaving negative feedback due to retaliatory feedback. In the past it wasn't a problem as trademe would remove it when I made a feedback dispute (provided I have evidence to back up my what I'd said) but I recently gave negative to a customer who hadn't paid or responded to e-mails. They left a retaliatory red face that simply said 'I was going to be pay tonight' (tonight being two weeks after the purchase). Trademe refused to remove the red face. I think Trademe's thinking was that it was fair the customer was disappointed that their failing to meet trademe's tradi...
W: This happens sometimes when people are placing feedback on the app. Sometimes they accidentally bump the red face when they'd meant to leave a yellow. I've had it happen about four times on trademe. You can ask the trader to update it (they're usually very apologetic) or send a feedback dispute to trademe who will switch it to yellow for you.