Won't let me list with shipping cost
AnsweredI am trying to list an item and am manually entering shipping costs where it says specify shipping cost and I am getting this notification and it won't let me go through with the listing -
You've missed some things:
- Shipping details should not contain a price. <a href="javascript:popup_help_full(595,0,0,0,0)">Learn more</a>
Help please!
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Jo, the error message is not very helpful, although it is telling you what the problem is ie remove any numbers / prices from the Shipping Description. Price should only be in the shipping price box eg allowed vs not allowed as below.
The one above generates the error, the one below does not.
If you need to specify something else, then you need to list that as a separate line eg
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Kia ora Gary
Thank you so much, I did have numbers in the text box with the rural shipping option. Tēnā koe for replying to me, kia pai te rā :-)
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Good one Jo. The error message should really say .... Shipping description can not contain a price. Prices must be entered in the Cost box.
The shipping page should be checking for that when you come out of that field and not accepting an invalid entry and allowing you to go to the next page without correcting first. The page should also display a correct popup help / tooltip or a link to the correct help page although there doesn't seem to be a help page anymore that gives more detail or examples.
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Thanks so much, yes, there are no pages that help with a message like this, the chat box couldn't help and then when I asked how to get in touch with trade me, gave a support email address that bounced back and told me to go to the help guidelines!!! Your wording for the error message is perfect and your idea for a direct link to the correct help page, I hope Trade Me read these posts.
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Trade Me staff - Community team
Kia ora Jo. We do read these posts and comments, and this feedback has been passed to the Content team. 😊
Thanks to Gary for the wonderful guidance here. ❤️
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Kia ora Lucy, thanks so much for replying, that's great to hear :-)