Haven't heard from the seller
AnsweredNot sure if i am in right place for this But i will say whats needed. I won a bid on Trade me 2 days ago now which happy with How ever i have sent the seller all my details And requested his account number in order To pay and he has not Quote made any Connection back ive given my mobile My email 3 times and still nothing This totally puts me of what should i do Help please i can no longer guarantee i can Hold onto the $200, in order to pay for Itiem please advise me anyone.
(Edited by Trade Me to remove member details)
S Community Superuser
Kia Ora stuart,
Sorry to read of your experience there,
As your purchase was only 2 days ago it is early days yet, anything may have happened to your Seller which has delayed them from responding to you over the weekend, your Seller may not have been on their TradeMe account over the weekend, not all Sellers work during weekends or have their TradeMe account on their weekend device(s). - TradeMe allow 2 days for contact & 7 days for Trades to be completed therefore it is likely you may hear from your Seller today.
A few checks for you...
- Have you checked your spam / junk folder in case an email has ended up there?
- Have you sent your address for Delivery through TM or is it Pick up?
- Have you checked your Won items to see if a Courier tracking has been applied through TM's BAC? if this is the shipping method.
- Is Messages enabled for that Trade? - Your Seller may have messaged you instead which is a common mis-connect between Buyers & Seller.
Hold tight for the next couple of days - if there is no communication at all you can place a friendly feedback letting your Seller know you have sent several emails, please check their spam/junk folder and make contact with you - Feedback usually initiates a response and can be changed when the Trade is sorted, but only the once.
In the case you haven't heard from your Seller on day 8 as you haven't paid for the goods yet you can just move on to finding the goods through another Seller.
I hope your Seller is well and you hear from them later today - All the Best - Cheers.
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