Is Ping worth it?
AnsweredI want faster transactions and money to show quicker.
I hate dealing with time wasters and no shows and idiots
is the ping fee worth it for a smaller being 25-50 items ? does it increase sales and is it worth it ? or just for hotter items etc. any feedback would be good.
Callum Community Superuser
Short answer: Yes. It will do exactly that.
Some take it even further and set ping as the ONLY option and all listings as buynow via MQL. That way it is impossible for anyone to buy anything from you unless they pay for it immediately at time of purchase.
If the fee is what is putting you off, just add that into your price.
I offer both ping and bank transfer. At a guess I would say 95% of buyers use ping. Some buyers even demand it, and will simply not buy from you if you are not offering ping as a payment method.
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Yes ping is worth it.
As a buyer I much prefer to pay with Ping, and as a seller I much prefer to get paid with Ping. So do my customers it seems because at least 95% of my buyers would use Ping.
Edit to add: After Pay is a different story though, I don't know that really is worth it, I only get a small number of buyers using it, and the fee is substantial.
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As a seller, I definitely recommend offering Ping. It cuts down on admin and if you have to issue a refund for shipping etc, it is so much quicker and easier. As a buyer I always prefer to pay via Ping but will do internet banking if that’s the only payment option available.
I continue to offer internet banking for buyers who are suspicious of Ping, particularly my older customers. I just had a look at last weeks stats and so far 29/38 sales were settled with Ping. Some of the other sales were paid via internet banking because of having to work out combined shipping costs after the sales were completed and I also had a couple of cash pick ups.
All I can say is give it a go. If you think a move to Ping is losing you customers, then you can always go back to offering internet banking alongside Ping.
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I reflect sentiments of those above really. When Ping was introduced I was very sceptical ( tightass begrudging TM extracting more fees from me). However once I took it up was happy with it for its reasonable cost. Transactions flow smoother and quicker, refunds if needed are easily done. Also 80% of buyers use it, but I also accept some buyers don't want to for what ever reason so keep bank deposit option for them. I believe as Ping is so commonly used now many buyers are likely to pass a purchase by if ping is not offered, especially if there are similar items readily available on TM. And as for the afterpay option, Im very sceptical. Its a large cost with no benefit to the seller, but in many ways I find it a bit unethical driving people who can perhaps least afford it into debt and I have a real problem with that