Why do sellers have a distaste for Ping?
I personally hate it when sellers don't offer ping. I have ping balance and I like to use it to buy stuff on trade me. Also doing bank transfers is troubling for me and it becomes a real pain. So because of this I miss out on a lot of great deals.
one seller I asked to offer ping and his response was
"Sorry no just means they take more of me they get enough as it is "
I can't believe that sellers would not offer ping as its only 2% witch is nothing compared to the 7% that they already take.
to me not having ping is like a shop only accepting cash now a days. Its inconvenient as means I have to go to the ATM to get cash. and with this its inconvenient as I have to go into my bank, login. put in the info, make sure its right, and then put in the right amount, and send. and also on trade me's end there is no proof I paid meaning no buyers protection so if you get scammed then that is going to be a massive pain to get the money back as trade me can't help with that because it was just a bank transfer and off platform. Even worse is when sellers offer ping but say shipping to be arranged then when you pay by ping you cant pay the shipping as the seller can't update the invoice. I just wish that trade me would try to convince sellers more to use ping as it is more convent, safe and on platform.
Because accepting ping is expensive!
Ping takes another 2% off the sellers bottom line - although on a small scale this might not seem like much, if a seller does $10000 in a year (though many do WAY more,) that's $200 which could be in their pocket which is instead going overseas.
On top of this, for in trade sellers, some categories already have success fees of almost 12%. Yes, Ping might cost you an extra two-three minutes, but especially for trades $1000+ Ping costs the seller a serious chunk of cash.
I don't know of a single trader selling cheap stuff (stuff like phone chargers, cases etc.) who doesn't accept Ping - but bearing in mind Ping can take some time to set up, it isn't worth it for the vast majority of casual traders and traders selling high value stuff.
Trade Me's buyer protection policy is probably another reason for sellers not to accept Ping; some buyers are impossible to please, and trigger-happy disputers can be a pain to deal with. It's worth noting Ping only covers sales up to $2500 anyway, so you're still going to have to go through the courts if it's more than that.
As long as the trader you're dealing with has a good/decent feedback history, I wouldn't be too worried.
Please don't take not accepting Ping on the seller! I wouldn't even take it out on Trade Me; processing cards does cost some money - it's just one of those things; some sellers prefer Ping, some are fine with waiting for bank transfers which might never happen; it's up to them.
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you make a fair point here I mostly a bit triggered earlier and I personally would have to clarify that if sellers want to not use ping its their choice but they miss-out on the ping customers. its really their choose just like how they took out most of the cash Self checkouts at the shops. They can run their business how they want but Ping does have its advantages for buyers.
Its more convent and it means your less likely to make a mistake when transferring the money and they can pay instantly in the app. Also I recently got a prezzy card from a family member and I wanted to spend it on Trade Me and I found a listing that Interested me but It was Bank Transfer Only and at the time I did not have enough money in my bank account meaning I could not buy it Though I assume this is not a common situation but just thought I would mention it.
but to round off what you said from the sellers prospective is fair
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flossy63 Community Superuser
I do not use ping, just too many fees now, as the category I sell in Success fees are 9.9% and that includes on shipping too!,
not the 7.9% casual sellers pay and no fees on shipping, & on low cost item's it bites,
I have a lot of Multi buyers so easier to enter into excel sheet, ( needed for tax purposes anyway as a record) pack work out combined shipping then give them screen shot of items, with Total to pay,
Ping was just too many E-mails, as still have to enter in excel, too many having to refund on shipping etc. because they do not use the combined shipping options etc.
I just find it easier to check for payment in account that matches total in excel sheet beside members name,
yes some buyers do not like it, but I only get the odd complainer whom try and tell me how to run my trades,
as want it easier for themselves, but no thought for sellers fees, clogged up inboxes with extra E-Mails etc.
my feedback speaks, happy customers,
and one condition of ping, you must send within 3 days, sometimes life gets in the way, suddenly have a short break,
usually a hospital stay overnight, it happens, so I cannot 100% abide by that condition,
But a lot that offer ping cannot abide by ping conditions, can take a week to get shipping cost because they do not even have packing materials etc ready, Ping should not be allowed, with shipping to be arranged, simple it is a joke.
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Just to add to that, I generally for most products there's a lot of price competition if it's the Chinese made kind-of-stuff stuff, so it shouldn't be hard to find someone else that accepts Ping.
Otherwise, generally other sellers will inflate the listed price to incorporate the cost of Ping. If you really want Ping, and am happy to pay a little extra than the listing cost for this, I'm sure offering the seller an extra $5-$10 on listing price to cover the Ping fee might work with a little convincing.
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Yeah with that condition flossy63 mentioned, it's now clear to me Ping is more targeted at 'In Trade' high volume commercial sellers.
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Fair point2
So here is my / our problem with Ping, We sell a wide variety of unique preowned items, of lot of which are quite physically large.
What Ping does, is it allows people to pay for their items. Which is a disaster! (Wait what! A seller that doesn't want to get paid???)
Once someone has paid, they become the owner of the item - be it a 15 ft Surfcaster Fishing rod, or a 3 piece Alucast outdoor table and chair set - whatever. They can then string out the pick-up processes ... In some buyers minds, they dont see the problem, because we have their money, and it is now their property.
"I will pick up in 10 days time..." (even though auction stated pick-up expected within 7...)
"Sorry I forgot, I will get it on Monday"
"Dog got sick so was to busy on Monday, I am away for work now, but will pick up on Friday, if i am back early enough in the day"
In the meantime we are still having to store it, work around it, trip over it, keep it safe, send emails to find out what is going on, etc. I could refund them on ping, but then I have a red face to deal with, and hope that T-me are gracious enough to remove it.
Ping causes this problem, then we also have to pay for the privilege.
Maybe if Ping was the other-way around - say buyers paid a 5% fee and then sellers got a 2% rebate for using it, then it might be worth considering. At least then we would be getting compensated for the dramas.
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I understand that ping is faster then bank transfer for a single sale but the thing that gets me is the customers who buy up to 50 $1 reserve auctions and want to pay with ping instead of bank transfer 'cause it's easier'. How is manually authorizing 50 ping payments (as they're bids not buy nows and don't go through automatically) easier then a single bank transfer? I watch their ping payments start to come in on my notifications and the process can take up to twenty minutes until they've paid all of them! And then to top it off they have to pay the postage separately via internet banking at the end as it's a large order and requires a bigger bag so doesn't match up with the postage on the auctions...
Wouldn't one internet banking payment for all fifty items and postage have been easier? It certainly would have saved me fees on items I was already selling at a loss!It always irritates me...
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flossy63 Community Superuser
Exactly my point,
Ping is good for those selling single items, but multi buyers, nope,
I prefer one Internet Payment for total amount with Correct shipping,
marking off individual auctions as paid, a nightmare, time consuming, for one buyer who has purchased 20+ items etc.
and still has to pay the correct combined shipping by Internet banking,
and those that select shipping on every auction, because they do not use the $0.00 combined shipping auction, I waste even more time working out actual shipping then doing part refunds,
so once they have confirmed they have finished buying I pack their parcel, Total up in my excel sheet with 1 Total to pay in red
which I can just match with a bank payment then book courier,
once courier booked that total disappears and tracking number is entered behind their name,
Everyone has their own system, and use what is best for themselves as sellers, I have used my system for many years now, and only has had the miner tweak!, It works for me fine,
but when Ping was pushed on us during covid, absolute nightmare, all those extra E-Mails, many different buyers, and trying to mark them off individually, and making sure you have not missed an E-Mail?, I am quite happy doing things manually, checking bank account several times a day, and marking off auctions Paid, ready for courier to be booked,
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I guess you got a good point here about how it would be a nightmare for people selling multiple auctions I just hope trade me improves Ping. as it is could be really good for buyers and sellers alike as buyers have buyers protection and also have a defense and don't have to do a bank transfer and have proof on trade me of payment. Sellers get their money immediately, can pay the trade me fees immediately. But I think They really need to add a option so when its arrange shipping with seller the seller can send a buyer another Ping Bill for shipping to avoid the bank transfer.
But if Ping is a massive hassle for you than you can go right on a head and don't use it that's your choice but with the consequence that some potential buyers who like the convince of Ping or want to use their credit card to build up credit score or points will be put off buy you not offering it. But again that's your choice to make.
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flossy63 Community Superuser
On the other side of things, I get a lot of Grandmothers, Nanas etc. that prefer to do online banking over using ping,
and there are others out there who do not have credit cards etc.
as you do see questions on auctions, asking if they can do Internet banking over using ping as do not have a card,
Those that just offer Ping could be losing sales to, by not allowing bank deposits, It works both ways,
It does not effect my sales, I do quite well, I am not out there to be a millionaire etc. Just enough to cover my weekly expenditure,
I am semi retired, so don't need a lot, hence just had 3 very good weeks, so all my auctions finished tonight, so now can concentrate on other things for the next few weeks, do other activities, like a bit of painting around the house, I do not sell continuously week after week, I am now only a casual Intrade seller, not a business as such, so only sell for a few weeks at a time,
as I only sell in one category, I can offer individual parts that others don't do, to replace missing etc. or just add to their collections, so do well in that department, People ask for pacific parts, if I have them, I will set up a special auction for them, I have many repeat buyers so must be doing something right, also my prices are way more reasonable than others, I would rather sell cheaper for a faster turn over, than consistently relist same items week after week, which some appear to do, and if I had extra fees, I would have to increase my pricing,
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@flossy63 I can see what your saying and as I said in in my answer above that is great that your system works for you and you are right to point out that the listings that don't offer bank transfer are losing out on sales. If ping losses you money and will cost your customers more than you have to make the choose on your own whither to use it, personally I would as I like the convince and security of it but if it causes you headache than you can chose not to use it. And I wont think any less of you. and to clarify I don't want to say that people who don't offer ping are bad but that Ping has advantages and was wondering what the disadvantages are too as I have never sold anything on Trade Me yet. I only really buy stuff on here. But @flossy63 thanks for telling me your experience so now I can understand why sellers may be hesitate when offering ping3
I was not kidding before either - people buying and then paying and not collecting is a huge problem, it has been brought up on these pages before, but it is also something that occurs throughout the secondhand industry.
It really doesn't matter if you are a West-End Jeweler selling vintage 14ct gold brooches, or a Tip Shop selling dumped / recycled home ware, or Nurse Maud / Salvation army shop, or a small time second hand Trade Me dealer, people pay up, tell you they are going to come and collect, and then you never see them again. Poof! Gone, like a fart in the breeze. I am sure the odd one dies, or goes to jail, this happens, but for the most part I have no idea what goes through their heads when they do this (I never see them again, or they never respond to emails again, so dont have any answers).
Bob if you ever do decide to have a clean-out and do some selling on Trade Me, (which is still 100% the best platform! Facebook market place is full rouges and scams) have a long and hard think about offering Ping. It maybe a good option for you, or it may make headaches. It will be your choice, and if something does go wrong, you can just pop onto this community cage, and we will point you in the right direction.
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It's expensive and they already take a success fee, if you are like me and list item cheap (usually a $1 reserve) then you can end up with tiny amount. I would say majority of people have internet banking so making an online payment should be an issue.
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Too many fees. In trade sellers are charged 9.9% or more and not just on the sale item but also shipping. Then ping is an extra 1.95%.
For a non in trade seller a $100 general item will have fees of $7.90. Including ping the fees would be $9.85.
For an in trade seller the fee would be $9.90. If the shipping was $17.40 (small/medium box interisland with nzpost) the fee would be $9.90 + $1.74 = $11.64. You'd either need to eat this extra shipping fee or you'd have to up the shipping charge to >$19.
Now if you add ping then the fee is $9.90 + $1.74 + $2.29 = $13.93.
So compared to a non in trade seller, the same item at the same price the fees are 41.4% higher!
Now, what you could do is offer to pay extra to cover the ping fee.
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LMAO, yea I can't remember the last time I had someone offer to compensate for likes of Ping fees
23 years and I think it might have happened about twice0 -
Pick a price you want for your item and pretend it sold for that price
Will take a bit of digging but it's all there
Ping/ Afterpay fee's also include the sellers shipping rate with the sale price .
Effectively doubling the fee's on a sale.
You can also download the fee list1