Seller Changing Feedback Because I didnt Place Feedback
Hi trademe community
I brought an item on trademe and had a few things I weren't happy with. They werent as good condition as described and had to pay slightly more for postage. The seller has 100% positive with 1 neutral so I felt this may have been a genuine mistake and I decided not to leave any feedback to ruin their history as I couldnt leave positive or neutral feedback. The seller initially posted positive feedback on me, then changed this to neutral a while later stating I had not placed feedback. The sale was more then 45 days ago.
Anyone else had this happen before and the strategy to deal with this? I have emailed the seller putting my side of the story.
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
I haven't come across that myself, but I always place feedback, no matter what, which is the best thing to do, as you have found out. No idea why someone would place feedback or change feedback simply because you haven't, but there are some strange ones out there. Not much you can do other than to leave a comment underneath the feedback so people can see the reason.
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S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Andrew,
I'm 100% with Gary-NZStocked in placing Feedback within the first 45 days of the Listing closing enabling you options down the track if/as required. - You can place neutral Or positive face feedback and still type in your story - thereby not out rightly condemning your Seller's feedback status though still placing an Honest review for future Members.
Unfortunately your Seller's only option now is to Delete their feedback altogether as it can only be changed once. - Good on you for reaching out to your Seller with your Honest reason for not leaving Feedback - I would suggest to your Seller if they have the need to take time in editing feedback, this time would be better utilised in sending the person a quick email reminder request to place feedback for them first! - Cheers.
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What your seller has done is not exactly standard practice .... far from it!
Hopefully they will see you email, and stop being a dick about it, and delete their feedback on you.
But I if they do not, don't worry about it, a blue does not effect your rating, and really no one cares about a blue, sellers are not going to refuse to trade with you because of a blue, blue faces don't matter, and if someone checks your profile to decide if they want to trade with you or not, they will see you have a blue for not leaving a fb, they will shrug and forget it.
Its annoying for your own peace of mind, but as you do more trades, that blue will slide down the list, and the comment will eventually drop off anyway.
The one more thing I would suggest, is dont email the seller anymore, dont cross the line into harassment, as annoyed as you are, its really not worth it.
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Thanks for everyones input.
I normally always leave feedback but on some occasions like this i dont, but also dont expect to have negative/neutral feedback simply because I didnt place some - after all its not a requirement. Im sure this is against trademe's feedback policy and it would be interesting to see if trademe would remove/amend if challenged. I know they are reluctant to review feedback nowadays.
And just an update, the seller responded to my email saying they were surprised I wasnt happy with the trade, but has deleted their feedback so all in all a good result
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S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Andrew,
Congratulations! - That is the Best Result - your clear and Honest Communication paid off - Thank you for letting us know the outcome - Cheers.😊
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S Community Superuser
Interesting on the possible breach of Feedback Policy - Potentially this could come under the T&C's clause of Retaliatory perhaps, one to keep in mind! - Cheers 😊
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It's not really the best result at all. Why should the buyer end up with positive feedback being changed to neutral (simply for not placing feedback), and now all feedback is deleted. The best result would be for the buyer to still have positive feedback, at the end of the day there isn't any fault on the buyers part.
Being able to so easily manipulate the Trademe feedback system seems somewhat of a failure.