Payment Instruction ?Visibility in Mobile
I'm an experienced buyer/seller but have got stuck with a sale (now two weeks ago). The buyer emailed me a few hours after buying to ask for payment instructions, I sent them via tm (plus an email to advise) shortly after. Four days later buyer emails to say can't find them in tm. I sent a link using payment instructions from something I won - changed the p number (minus p) - and have since heard nothing. Judging by sign-off in messages they are using trade me mobile so I'm wondering if the problem may be difficulty in finding payment instructions on mobile. I have already had refund of s/f (will repay if trade completes) but I'm feeling like I could maybe try to help further as this is apparently the trader's first buy (has a handful of sales only on their f/b). I'm not familiar with mobile so wondering if anyone would be willing to please supply tips as to how payment instructions can be found in mobile - and is this a not uncommon scenario? Has occurred that buyer may not be aware they can pay by credit so will also suggest ping. Logical thing would be to email payment instructions but am weary about doing so after a family member had a close encounter with a phisher recently (nice try but yeah-nah!). May simply be a case of buyer's remorse or the kids / cat did it.
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Hi N, the payment instructions do vary between views.
Here is how it looks on desktop site from my won items page. You can also see above it another won item where there are no payment instructions, even through Trademe says in the email I received when I won it to click the link for Payment instructions, but that just goes to a file not found error page.
On the mobile view it looks like this when you click in to the won auction.
Using the app on an Android phone looks like this. Note there is a dropdown arrow that needs to be clicked to reveal the instructions. Maybe your buyer is not clicking the dropdown arrow. No idea why that has to be there to confuse things.
What I usually do when someone asks for payment instructions is to go to my sold items, click the payment instructions link to open them up, drag over to copy then paste in to an email saying, originally sent instructions are on Trademe in your items I won folder, but here is another copy, then paste them in full here.
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Thank you for the trouble you have gone to Gary; that is most helpful. My initial thought was it's a scam, then I changed my mind but after posting I am back to having gut feeling that it could well be a scam.