Why are my Trade Me listings on BidBud?
I’m furious. I have just find found out that Trade Me have allowed a site Bidbud to advertise my items without even asking or consulting me ??. And now because of this when you type my profile name is now doesn’t come up in Google search for trade me. When it use too. I’m frecking furious
do you other top sellers know that there items could be advertised there ?? IS THIS LEGAL ??
I just read its trade me’s New site that they have started . Why have we not been told .?.
S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Paula,
Info' on BidBud - you may like to google the site for more.
Why are all my Trade Me listings on BidBud?BidBud accesses Trade Me data, with their permission, via what's called an API (application program interface). Basically, that means that any data you see on BidBud comes directly from Trade Me, with BidBud enhancements on the way through. BidBud has not copied all your listings onto a separate site, as soon as the listing is removed from Trade Me, it'll be removed from BidBud too.
Don't be mad, be thankful for the extra exposure, and give some of BidBud's features for sellers a go!----------------------------- Cheers.1 -
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Paula, the site you mention has been around for many years and Trademe don't advertise items there, the site itself links to Trademe listings so people can use their interface to bid/buy, rather than through Trademe. Some people find browsing there quicker and more customisable than on TM. If you contact the bidbud people via the link on their website, I am sure they can put a block on your listings showing up there if you would rather restrict your audience to browsers on Trademe.
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Well you tell me why as now a Google search of my trade name does not come up anymore ?? It only comes up with bidbud
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The Google search It use to direct them to trade me, Now it directs them to bidbud ???
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I should not have to contact them. Maybe trade should have asked members before they decided to do this. And why weren’t we told ??
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flossy63 Community Superuser
As said above it has been going for years,
by all means block yourself from it, but you will loose a lot of sales.
as those that browse on there will not see your listings,
as most of us use bidbud watchlist etc. to set up autobids on auctions we are watching,
Please go an check it out, look at the blacklist features etc. you can comment as why you blacklisted members etc. can filter out non positive feedbacks easier,
Bidbud has a lot of good features,
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I only ever use BIDBUD. Best thing since sliced bread and by using it, it cuts out all the crap that TM promotes. It is far quicker and easier to list thru BB as a seller and to quickly search TM as a buyer. Heaps of useful features too. BB is not a separate site as others have explained, it is merely viewing TM listings thru a different clear window; one without curtains, blinds, hanging dream catchers, or other items distracting from the view.
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S Community Superuser
The Terms of using TradeMe are stipulated in the Help Section as follows...
Trade Me site terms and conditions, Section Our Services 1.5 We provide an API
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I have never heard of bidbud. And I bet so many other people haven’t heard of them either. I still think it’s wrong. Like telling a customer I am on Trade Me ,google my name and they can’t even get there now . They use to a be able to. they’ll be thinking I am having them on / scam as now it doesn’t come up with Trade Me. Which really sucks. Also Trade Me makes it just about impossible to search a members name . Half the time I can’t even find the scroll down for it. So how many other people find it hard to find a member on Trade Me. That is why I am peeved that bidbud now comes up instead of Trade Me when they name search me
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Paula, if you put your membername in at least some of your auction titles, people can just do a general search on Trademe and find your listings easy if they don't know how to search membernames, and really, why would people search for your Trademe membername on google. If they know your Trademe name, then they would normally search on Trademe. Make it easy for buyers and put your membername in some of your listing titles.
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Because it is far easier to search my name on Google than it is to try and find the drop-down box for members for people to be able to search me. Or try and explain to someone where to find the members when I can hardly find it myself. I can’t see why Trade Me can’t make it easier for people to be able to search members
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S Community SuperuserEdited
Web Search picking up TradeMe Member names - taken 5 secs ago - These are at the Top of the search request.
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Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
Paula, if you put your membername in some of your titles people don't have to find a dropdown or go to the member search page. They just need to pop your name in the main search box and click search. Trademe are not going to make it easy, but you can do it yourself and it will work immediately.
Many of us used to do this even years ago to make it easy for buyers to find you as even 20 years ago most buyers did not know where the profiles search was and since then Trademe have made getting to to it harder.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Except S, that's not my Trademe membername, but is my Trademe Community name which is different and there is no link between your Commuinity name and your Trademe membername.
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But the thing is it did used to come up and link them to Trade Me from the Google search. Now when you search it now comes up just bidbud and no trade me . Grrr
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Can you send me the link. So I am able to stop and bidbud advertising my listings
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S Community SuperuserEdited
Aha - Thank you Gary, this is True! - However I have found a Trademe Member name on search request. Is this the difference of being a Store on TM?
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Yes, Trademe Stores get that special treatment.
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Actually using bidbud to find a users name takes about 2 sec. Much easier tham TM or Google ;)
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Paula, this issue is a trademe searching issue, not a bidbud issue. IE; your auctions appearing on bidbud has no effect on the search not appearing on traeme. A lot of people only use bidbud to buy items on trademe as it has better bidding and searching tools. If you are wanting to sell stuff, why would you not want your items appearing there for those buyers, your just taking away some potential buyers. Doing this, its not going to help the searching issue on trademe for your auctions.
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S Community Superuser
Yes! Andrew is correct Paula - removing yourself from BidBud does not automatically bring a google search of your Member name linked to TM back - unless you are a store. - Currently BidBud is giving your Member name & Listings more exposure to potential Buyers.
Gary-NZStocked has provided you with the 'know how' to increase Buyers searchability for you on the TM site itself, further increasing your Sales opportunities.
- Cheers.
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Andrew tell me how long has bidbud been advertising trademe sellers listing ?
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Many, many years
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Paula BidBud has been around since 2012 I believe so it has been 11 years now it’s trusted and used by many Trade Me users it has great features for both buyers and sellers that Trade Me does not offer. If you have concerns about the site I would suggest you contact the developer from the contact link on the BidBud website.
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I've never heard of BidBud. If you list on it instead of Trade Me are your auctions still on Trade Me? (In trade seller - thou hardly any sales now, it's gone south on Trade Me sadly). I just looked at it, it has a few on my listings on it somehow but most are not on there. Any guidance much appreciated, really don't know how best to go forward after 12 years, it's not viable now but still have to clear stock.
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This post thread shows an example of ticking 'I accept terms & conditions' without reading what that means. There are many 3rd party apps using TradeMe's API.
BidBud is an awesome use of TradeMe API and I do almost every trade using it. We should be thanking TradeMe for creating/maintaining their API.
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S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Chey,
Yes! creating a Listing on BidBud is effectively placing your Listing on TM - BidBud is an interface - Cheers. 😊
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More expose sure..no one has provided step by step on how to block TMe items showing up on bidbid.
Can anyone provide? Thanks0 -
I guess no one has provided a step by step how to because very few people would want to do this. Most people will list an auction to sell something, and aim for the highest price possible. Surely you would want the widest audience of buyers to do this. Blocking a site like bidbud just reduces your buyer audience which may result in either a loss of sale, its takes longer to sell or a lower price. It makes no sense to me why you would want to do this.
I didnt really get this whole thread.
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S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Greg,
Gary-NZStocked has advised steps to take to have yourself blocked on BidBud in his opening Comment above <quote> If you contact the bidbud people via the link on their website, I am sure they can put a block on your listings showing up there if you would rather restrict your audience to browsers on Trademe. <unquote>
I 100% agree with Andrew's Comments - Why would anyone want to reduce their audience for the Best Price possible and possibly in the shortest timeframe!
You are Best to contact BidBud yourself for resolve. - TM don't provide a feature to block your listings from appearing through the API interface - Cheers.