Incorrect Postal Address Sent By TradeMe
So I thought I was going crazy, but I dont think its me.
When i buy something on trademe using PING, the address is sent. In most cases, I select a different address (a non rural one) than my membership address (which is rural). There's been times when Ive clicked through, sure but not 100% that I clicked the non rural address. Then get a message from the seller asking to pay more or provide a non rural address. So I now very carefully check that I have selected the non rural address before buying. A couple of days ago, I know I did when I brought something, and just today I know I did - but in both occasions trademe sent the rural address - not what I had selected.
Has this happened to anyone else, or does someone know how I can stop this from happening in the future.
S Community SuperuserEdited
Kia Ora Andrew,
Sorry to hear that is happening to you also,
Yes! I had that happen and sent TM a detailed report - for proceeding purchases I backed up my address by sending the Seller an email confirming my address, letting them know I had experienced like trouble previously.
Specific info' I reported was like if I paid instantly from within the closed listing or through the Ping Tab in my Won items in terms of address information etc - what I could see & not through both ways and I backed it up with screenshots.
I reported and other Members have been reporting these site issues through Post: New Look Trade me getting more frequent errors
This is a Post which is monitored by TradeMe staff which you can report your trouble with this and site / listing errors through also, along with any screenshots of errors you may be able to capture Or you can contact TradeMe staff via "Live Chat" for immediate assistance with this &/or leave them a message afterhours.
The "Live Chat" hours weekdays are 8:am - 6:30pm and weekends 8:30am - 4:pmOnce you've selected the Contact us Chat Tab you need to give the landing page a count of 15+ seconds for the Chat Tab to Pop up in blue at the bottom right of your screen, there is a slight delay in this appearing.Examples of your latest listing numbers & details will be perfect for the Tech Team to look into - Cheers.0 -
Thanks S.
Is it a simple process for the seller to cancel the courier, get a refund for that booking, and rebook with the correct address? And if so, what is it?
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S Community SuperuserEdited
Yes Andrew it is a simple process - refer your Seller to this link if the booking has been made through Book a Courier...
They will also be able to claim & refund the excess rural charge to your Ping card if it gets sent through - Cheers 😊
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Andrew, the usual process if using Trademe's book a courier is for the seller to email the courier, explain the reason to cancel, then email Trademe with the same. Trademe will refund the courier fee in time. If the seller uses another booking system, many have a 1 button Cancel courier booking button. The system I use for bookings has buttons like this on each order and the cancel button is active until the courier has collected the item. It's then an instant refund so I can rebook.
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Thanks to you both, it does look a pretty simple process. I feel bad that Im causing an inconvenience to the buyer even though it wasnt my doing, but hopefully its not too hard for them to do it
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S Community Superuser
The odds are the parcel is not booked yet as your Seller is awaiting rural fee first so it's a simple email supplying your non rural address with an apology and brief explanation of the system picking up an incorrect address there - Cheers 😊
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The buyer has already booked the courier. They booked they courier, then emailed me to ask for the extra $5.50 rural delivery. I emailed them to let them know the wrong address was sent.
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S Community Superuser
Cheers Andrew, they will be able to change the booking address then - Definitely report to TM for a fix and meantime any further purchases I type in the Delivery instructions on the Ping payment page Email to Follow so the Seller knows to check emails which is where the confirmation of correct address I was sending through - Cheers.
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Just an update, the seller cancelled the trade...but all is good - and then relisted at amount I won by with a buy now. I used the buy now, paid by ping again double, triple checked the address (and also made a copy of it). I also did as you suggested S and included the address in delivery instructions (thanks - that was a great suggestion and will definitely use it). This time, the correct address was sent by trademe and buyer stated they will send it off today. So all worked out.
Thanks again for both your help
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Good it worked out for you Andrew. Looks like the seller doesn't realise they can simply manually edit the courier delivery address when booking as there was no need to cancel the actual sale and relist, but it does keep it nice and tidy I suppose. Presumably the seller refunded your first Ping payment.
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The seller thought it was too complicated to change the courier booking so thought this was easier. I sent them both the link and your instructions. Yes they did refund my original ping payment
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S Community Superuser
Cheers Andrew, Great to hear your Seller helped complete the Trade with correct address for you - his way works too! - and you're onto ensuring it doesn't happen again - Thank you for letting us know 😊
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How do I send seller my address via trademe if I ticked the pickup option
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S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Robert,
You can't send your Address via TM - you Email it to your Seller if required - Cheers.