My items show a shipping cost 1c less than reality?
Just doing some browsing of my items and I noticed my shipping cost on display is 1c less than than the actual cost charged to buyers. Not the greatest issue in the world probably. But I'm still curious how it happens?
This happens on all my items with a $4.60 DLE shipping template loaded. So a couple of hundred items. If you click through to the actual auction it is $4.60. Buyer is charged $4.60. It is just on the landing page when you search or browse that the value is incorrect and shows $4.59.
I have never had a $4.59 shipping cost loaded that I am aware of. So can't be items stuck somehow on an old template. A weird rounding error?
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
This fault is still unresolved. A year on and search results still show $4.59 when in the auction it shows $4.60. Not a good buyer experience to be shown different amounts in different places.
Screenshot below shows the same listing in search results, vs when I click in to the listing.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Update. Ok, it's definitely a Trademe problem, nothing you can do about it, other than fudging to get around it.
Lucy, if you could pass this on.
I made some changes to a MQL and a new shipping template.
If I set the shipping price as $4.50 it shows correctly on browse and in auction.
If I set to $4.60 it shows incorrectly as $4.59 on browse but correctly in the auction.
If I set to $4.70 it shows correctly on browse and in auction.
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Trade Me staff - Community team
Thanks Gary and Callum. I'll get this bug reported and investigated.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Good one Lucy. It's not good to be showing one shipping cost when searching, then seeing it's different in the auction. Even though it's just 1c difference, it's a bit off putting. Hopefully it's not a widespread bug.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Yes, seems to show like that on all of your listings with that shipping rate. Your other shipping rates seem to be fine, just that one. Might pay to edit the shipping template to refresh it so buyers don't get confused.
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Gary-NZStocked Community SuperuserEdited
Have you changed your shipping template Callum? I see a listing using that template listed 30 mins ago is now showing correctly 4301877231, but others existing are still showing incorrectly. They may come right as they close and relist with the template refresh maybe. Incidenrtally, another listing 10 mins earlier than the one here shows 4.59. I just did a sort by latest listings to check.
Ah. I see the one that's showing correctly here is using a different template as the first line is
Nationwide, Express Urban $4.60
That one is using an old style template as it's an auction rather than a MQL and of course doesn't show the delivery in 2 days to Auckland, or whatever.
Where the one that are showing 4.59 when they should be showing $4.60 say
Nationwide 1-2 days, Express Urban $4.600 -
Callum Community Superuser
Thanks guys. You went above and beyond doing some testing there Gary.