Payment instructions information on TM App. Where is it?
I don't use TM mobile phone app except for sale notifications. However the other day I was trying to find how to locate the payment instructions on there. could not find any where. I use desk top normally, and its in your won items folder. Anybody help?
Callum Community Superuser
Hi Don_ Do you mean the payment instructions from the seller when you are a buyer? If they have it set up to be sent via Trade Me these appear when you hit the "payment" button from your Won page. But remember this will only happen if the seller has ticked the box to have them available automatically. They don't show on the app or the computer if the seller hasn't set it up.
If you mean you want to edit or add your own payment instructions you go to my trade me, selling options, Edit payment instructions.
Tested on apple app.
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Hi Callum. Yes. I was the seller. Payment instructions sent automatically each sale to buyer. Buyer claims they cannot find on the TM app on phone. So I can see they are on my desk top site which I usually use, but decided to check they are visible on the app. So I looked on the sale on the app and cannot find payment instructions anywhere. Can you guide me to what I click through on in the app to find? Im on android, although im not sure the navigation in the android app would be any different to the apple app version.
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Callum Community Superuser
Trade Me > Won > Click on the auction > Next steps > Payment
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Android must be different Callum as no Next Steps when I look and no payment instructions on the android app either, when viewing sold items.
If viewing a won item, then once you click in to the auction it's all there on one screen on the android app including payment instructions, although this is called Instructions from the seller.
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Gary. From what you have posted here from android, it would seem the seller sees a different view to the buyer as you are posting a buyer view there, which is different from my seller view.
Under"Next steps" I only get option of placing feedback or booking a courier
"Seller details"/ "buyer details" will be the same, but obviously reversed for buyer or seller.
The next section for me as seller is "Payment details" just listing reference #, sale price, shipping option selected, shipping price and total to be paid. However from your screen shot (as a buyer) the next section is "instructions from seller", which does not appear when you are a seller
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Yep, lots of differences depending on seller, buyer, old desktop site, new desktop site, apps etc. I always use the old desktop site where possible as everything is on there for both selling and buying.