Incorrect feedback total
AnsweredEarly last week (11 Oct) my trademe feedback total was 2100. Then I won two auctions from a trader I had traded with previously so of course their feedback didn't increase my total feedback.
On 16 Oct I received positive feedback from a seller I had never traded with before. But my total feedback now on 18 Oct is still 2100 when it should be 2101. It seems something has gone wrong here and I have never experienced this in all the years I've been on trademe.
Feedback totals used to refresh very quickly, as I recall. Does anyone know what has gone wrong here?
Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Are you absolutely sure you haven't traded, either bought or sold with that other member before? On the email you get from Trademe it shows you what your total is, so you can see for example who it was that made your feedback 2100, and if you look at feedback emails for the next one, you should see the total tick over. I can't remember every one of the people that I've traded with, but I have bought from people that have bought from me before, so they wouldn't count to the rating total.
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Well I checked on BidBud which clearly shows all the trades you have ever had with a particular trader and there were definitely no previous trades with the seller who gave me my positive facebook on 16 Oct. I didn't think to check those emails though so I will do that now. Thanks Gary.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
There's another 5 feedbacks for you, but no change to your 2100 I'm afraid :)
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Thanks Gary -love your feedback! I've definitely never traded with the seller who gave me my positive facebook on 16 Oct. If I had ever bought from him I definitely would have left him feedback and there's no past feedback from me and no past feedback for me from him. So my 2100 should definitely be 2101. Something strange is going on here.
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Gary-NZStocked Community Superuser
Did you check in your feedback received emails, if you have them turned on.
You should see 2 subsequent emails with the number...maybe increasing by one, then not. All mine seem to be behaving and counting as they should.
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Yes I get the feedback emails and don't always look at them closely. They have many other unrelated emails between them in my inbox so I had the thought to filter all the "New feedback posted" emails. And guess what...2100 is indeed my correct feedback. Duh!