Does TM have an 0900 number?
I resently met a buyer on TM who was very unhappy with TM. He said he had rung their 0900 number and been charged $100 for it. Im scratching my head puzzled as I thought TM had deleated all their phone number for customer service, and never had an 0900 number, which I belive charges by the minute. Anybody throw any light on this? He was very very very unhappy with TM
S Community Superuser
Kia Ora Don,
A search brings up as below...
Trade Me Complaints Email & Phone Number | TheComplaintPoint NZ
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Guess its a pretty good way for a company to minimize compaints againt it, very disingenuis
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Callum Community Superuser
Yes the number is long gone. Was this buyer talking about something that happened in the distant past? All 0900 numbers require a blurb before connection that it will cost.So they would have been made aware of it. If your buyer said they spent over $100 that means they were on the phone to Trade Me for close to an hour. I'm struggling to think what kind of issue would require a call of that duration.
As always, when you hear things second hand from someone else it's wise to not always believe that 100%...........
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Callum, yes I have lots of question marks about this buyers statement, was just throwing it out there to see if its possibly a thing. But as I say I seriously question the authenticity of the buyers statement
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so where can you make a complaint about holiday houses
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Callum Community SuperuserEdited
Hello Moore. What is your particular complaint? Do you mean you have an issue with a listing on Trade Me? Or do you mean a complaint about the Holiday Houses website itself?
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Trade Me staff - Community team
Kia ora Moore, sorry to hear you're having difficulty with Holiday Houses. You can get in touch with the Holiday Houses team here, someone will be able to help you out