Listing items via My Products as always some auctions photos not showing won't load, others ok?
Listing items via My Products as always some auctions photos not showing won't load, others ok?
reload photos on auctions in my products, they still will not show,
so put them in Power point and save as jpeg and then they will show?, I have originals, but then I would have to waste even more time edited them after reloading, use existing did not help,
Seriously, This is a joke, I do not have time to sit here all night fixing these, redoing photos like this,
Come on Trade Me, we should not be having issues via My Products too,
So I will redo main photos only at this stage, so not showing blank to people browsing, one photo is better than none, but because no originals showing people may think main photo is taken from Internet, but they are definitely my own photos,
Update: after sleeping on this, I tried & edited one of the many photos just a tad 1% on a listing, eg. whites/brightness, saved it, saved listing in my products, refreshed live listing and bingo all photos now showing?, But why is this happening?,